401. Oaklawn Cemetery, Algonac, St. Clair Co., Michigan, Find-A-Grave Memorial #43374170, Sarah A. Hunt Huntoon.
402. Oaklawn Cemetery, Algonac, St. Clair Co., Michigan, Find-A-Grave Memorial #43374191, Fred A. Huntoon.
403. “Marriage Record,” 1 Mar 1886, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
404. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 145, Enumeration DIstrict 266, Sheet 4A, Ward 8, Dwelling xx, Family 85, Line 3, 39 Dunedin Ave. Apartment Bldg. Harvey Huntoon (age 33, boarder, machinist) household; wife Grace (age 33, boarder) listed.
405. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California.
Supervisor’s District 19, Enumeration DIstrict 19-1133, Sheet 13B, Dwelling 313, Family 364, Line 80, 1634 Junipero Ave. Harvey N. Huntoon (age 42, born Michigan, Mechanic) household; wife Grace A. (age 42, born Michigan) listed.
406. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California.
Supervisor’s District 18, Enumeration District 59-107, Sheet 1A, Dwelling 8, Family xx, Line 22, 1256 Daisy Street. Cady S. McDogall (age 65, female, widow) household. Harvey Huntoon (age 52, step-son-in-law) and Grace E. (age 51, step daughter) also listed. Harvey & Grace resided in Corona, Riverside Co., California in 1935.
407. 1967, “California Death Index,” Los Angeles Co., California.
SSN: 564168007.
408. 1967, “SSDI,” SSN: 564-16-8007.
409. 1967, Plot: Plot: Section Iris, Lot 50, Row B, Grave BA, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California, Find-A-Grave Memorial #82915289.
Find A Grave Memorial# 83647183
410. 1977, “California Death Index,” Los Angeles Co., California.
411. 1977, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California, Plot: Section Iris, Lot 50, Row B, Grave BB, Find-A-Grave Memorial #82915369.
412. 4 Oct 1894, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), Chas. Osborn and Agnes J. Howay Hunt, 04 Oct 1894; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, v 4 p 112 rn 16946, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,500.
413. Find-A-Grave Memorial #12271587.
Lewis H. Hunt
414. Silas Farmer & Company, The History of Detroit and Michigan - The Metropolis Illustrated ; a Chronological Eyclopaedia of the Past-and Present, including a full record of territorial days in Michigan, and the annals of Wayne county. By Silas-Farmer and Company., Chapter ‘Charitable and Benevolent Societies and Institutions’, Page 660.
Home for the Friendless listed.
415. Woodmere Cemetery Record, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Lewis H. Hunt, birthplace: Detroit, Michigan; residence: Home of Friendless; date of birth: 1869; age: 4 years; gender: male; disease: scarlet fever; undertaker: G. W. Latimer; burial date: 12 AUG 1873; section C, lot 321, grave #4; record comments: removed 30 MAR 1874 to lot 270-2, section C.
416. “1948 Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
1948 Death Record, Detroit, Wayne Co. Michigan, file #380589
417. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11690184.
418. “1900 U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
1900 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigam, Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 84, Sheet 5A, Ward 8, Dwelling 92, Family 95, 622 19th Street. George Duryea (age 27) household; wife Rosalie (age 27), childen Geraldine (age 3) and Lillian (age 1) listed. Rosalie was the mother of 2 children, 2 were alive in 1900.
419. “1910 U. S. Census,” Greenfield Township, Wayne Co. Michigan.
1910 U. S. Census, Greenfield Township, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 286, Sheet 20B, Dwelling 370, Family 370, Line 55. Grand River Road. George R. Duryea (age 36) household; wife Rosalie (age 36), children Geraldine (age 13) and Lillian (age 11) listed. Louis Faneuf (age 66, widowed, father-in-law) also listed. Rosalie was the mother of 2 children, 2 were alive in 1910.
420. “1920 U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
1920 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 144, Enumeration District 444, Sheet 2B, Ward 14, Dwelling 46, Family 47, 324 Vicksburg Ave. George R. Duryea (age 46) household; wife Roslaie (age 46). Louis Fanauf (age 76, widowed, father-in-law) also listed.
421. “1930 U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
1930 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 20, Enumeration District 82-434, Sheet 6B, Ward 14, Dwelling 30, Family 30, Line 71, 3804 Vicksburg St. George Duryea (age 55) household; wife Rosalie (age 50) listed.
422. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11690189.
423. “1887 Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
1887 Death Record. Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. #669
424. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11690161. Section A3.
425. “1945 Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Alfretta Perrin, age 76, widow, born OCT 1868, Detroit; died 12 FEB 1945, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. File #332964.
426. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11631844. Section A2
427. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11631839
428. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11690168.
429. Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York. Niche, Columbarium, Section 2004.
430. Find-A-Grave Memorial #49709649
431. “IRS Tax,” Brooklyn, New York, 1865.
1865 IRS Tax Assessment, Division 5, District 2, New York, Page 13, No. 30. William Gilchrist (retail shop, corner 6th Ave & 18th St., ), John Gadeke (cigar shop, 18th & 6th Ave), James Gould (Legacies of, Bay Ridge), Ellen Gould (daughter), James Duryea (grandchild), Eugene Emmons (Simmons?) (grandchild), Alfred Emmons (Simmons?) (grandchild), Ann VanDyne (grandchild), Ellen VanDyne (grandchild), William Gould (son), James Gould (son) and John Gould (son) listed.
432. “Death Record #5726,” Boston, Massachusetts, 1902.
"Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 December 2014), James Duryea, 09 Jul 1902; citing Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, v 531 cn 5726, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,057,763.
File: 1902_Death_Record_Duryea_James_MA_2
433. “Cemetery Record,” 1902, New Hope Cemetery, Boston, Massachusetts.
James Duryea, Private, Company C, 22nd NY Calvary, died 9 Jul 1902, buried New Hope Cemetery, Mattapan, Suffolk Co., Mass.
Per call (AUG 2016), he is buried in Veterans Lot, Oakland Ave., Grave #166. Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, 1879-1903 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data: Card Records of Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, ca. 1879-ca. 1903; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M1845, 22 rolls); Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Files (2): 1902_CemeteryCard_Duryea_James_MA, 1902_Cemetery_Duryea_James_Mt Hope Cemetery map_tcm3-38194-3
436. 1855 NY Census, New Utrecht, Kings Co., New York, Dwelling 310, Family 392, Line 23. James Gould (age 63, born New Jersey) household; wife Ellen (age 55, born Kings Co., NY), children Almira (age 24, born Kings Co., NY), Margaret (age 20, born Kings Co., NY), Richard H. (age 19, born Kings Co., NY) and George W. (age 17, born Kings Co., NY) listed.
437. “Death Record,” Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, 1905.
New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Almira Gould, 01 Jul 1905; citing Death, Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,435,703.
438. “Death Record,” Kings Co., New York, 18 JUN 1903.
Original data: Index to New York City Deaths 1862-1948. Indices prepared by the Italian Genealogical Group and the German Genealogy Group, and used with permission of the New York City Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
439. 28 NOV 1929, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867-1952 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867–1952. Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics.
440. “Death Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1915.
Certifciate #4472. Augusta Zimmerman.
441. “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1910.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 63, Sheet 8A, Dwellin 183, Family 163, 209 Atkinson Ave. Charles N. MacLaren (age 28, born Canada, mason) household; wife Mattie E. A9ge 25, born Canada) listed
442. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Lemon City, Dade Co., Florida.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 4, Enumneration DIstrict 19, Sheet 4A, Dwelling 49, Family 55, Line 9, Falleson Road. Charles MacLaren (age 37) household; wife Martha (age 37); children Robert (age 6) and Charles (age 4) listed.
443. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Delray Beach, Palm Beach Co., Florida.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 50-37, Sheet 1A, Ward 1, Dwelling 7, Family 7, Line 17, North Ocean Blvd. Charles N. MacLaren (age 48, born Canada) household; wife Mattie E. (age 40); children Robert (age 17, Michigan) and Charles (age 15, born Michigan) listed
444. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Delray Beach, Palm Beach Co., Florida.
Supervisor’s District 4, Enumeration District 50-57, Sheet 13A, Dwelling , Family , Line , 223 South Ridge Road. Charles MacLaren (age 52) household’ wife Mattie (age 51) listed. Robert I MacLaren (age 25, son) and Kay MacLAren (age 23, daughter-in-law) also listed.
445. 1981, “Florida Death Index.”
"Florida Death Index, 1877-1998," database, FamilySearch ( : 25 December 2014), Charles Mewton MacLaren, 1951; from "Florida Death Index, 1877-1998," index, Ancestry ( : 2004); citing vol. 1491, certificate number 23486, Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Records, Jacksonville.
446. Social Security Application, SSN 262-01-5161.
447. 2003, “Montana Death Index.”
448. 2003, “SSDI.”
449. “Florida Death Index,” Dade Co., Florida, 1990.
450. 1939, Florida Marriage Record.
"Florida Marriages, 1830-1993", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 June 2015), Charles N Maclaren and Nannette Covington, 1939.
451. Florida Divorce Index, Certificate #3721.
452. 1996, “Florida Death Index.”
453. 1860, “Cemetery Records,” Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section B, PLot 251, unmarked grave, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170293461.
Note: Cemetery records from the ‘vault’ were researched in 2010 and 2012. Fishkill Rural Cemetery officially opened in Apr 1866; some reinterments from other local cemeteries were moved into Fishkill Rural Cemetery.
Clara Hunt died in 1860 and was moved from another rural cemetery into Fishkill Rural Cemetery when David and Hannah bought Lot B-251.
454. 1973, “Michigan Death Index.”
"Michigan Death Index, 1971-1996," database, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), James N Greenlaw, 18 Nov 1973; from "Michigan, Deaths, 1971-1996," database, Ancestry ( : 1998); citing Garden City, Wayne, Michigan, death certificate number 71250, Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records, Lansing.
455. 1928, “Marriage Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
457. 10 Jun 1939, “Marriage Record,” Highland Park, Wayne Co., Michigan.
458. 18 Nov 1935, “Marriage Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
459. Woodmere Cemetery Record, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Frank W. Greenlaw, birthplace: Detroit, residence: 909 Vineland Ave., date of death: 16 Sep 1904, age: 0 y, 0m, 24 days; Disease: malnutrition, burial date: 16 Sep 1904,; undertaker: Geist Bro.; Burial: Section A, Lot 896, Grave 14.
460. 1914, “Death Record,” St. Catherines, Lincoln Co., Ontario, Canada.
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 December 2014), Ethel Jean Greenlaw, 20 Nov 1914; citing St. Catharines, Lincoln, Ontario, yr 1914 cn 19975, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,861,976.
461. 8 Jul 1949, “Marriage Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
462. SSN 375-09-6683, “George David Stevens.”
464. SSN 365-05-2744, “Christine Stevens.”
465. 1941, “Marriage Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
466. Thomas A. DeLong, The DeLongs of New York and Brooklyn : a Hueuenot family portrait, Sasco Associates, Southport, Connecticut, 1972.
467. In 1897, Henry DeLong writes a letter from St. Louis, Missouri to his eastern relatives. Nothing else in known about Henry DeLong. (‘The DeLongs of New York and Brooklyn: A Hueuenot Family Portrait’, Thomas A. DeLong, 1972)
468. 1907, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, Section 164, Lot 16745, Edward J. Delong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #136927082.
469. 1911, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, Section 164, Lot 16745, Mary (Dalton) DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #136892148.
470. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Mont Clair, Essex Co., New Jersey.
Supervisor’s District 105, Enumeration District 105, page 19, dwelling 160, family 186, line 11. George DeLong household (age 36, born New York, fish store); wife Arabelle M. (age 23, born New Jersey, keeping house); child Ethel (daughter, age 1, born New Jersey).
471. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Northampton, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
Supervisor’s district ?, Enumeration District 635, Page 6B, Ward 4, dwelling 120, family 138, line 96. 27 High Street. George DeLong household (age 58, born Nov 1841, New York); wife Arabelle M. (age 43, born Sep 1856, New Jersey); children Ethel (age 21, born Oct 1878, New Jersey) and Helen (age 13, born Feb 1887, New Jersey) listed. Arabella DeLong was the mother of 2 children; 2 wee alive in 1900.
472. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Northampton, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
Supervisor’s District 119, Enumeration District 702, Ward 4, page 9B, dwelling 176, family 190, line 61. 44 Monroe Street. George DeLong household (age 68, born Massachusetts); wife Arabelle M. (age 53, born Massachusetts); child Helen B. (age 23, single, born Massachusetts) listed. Arabella DeLong wsa the mother of 2 children; 2 were alive in 1910. Ediotor’s note: All 3 ‘Massachusetts’ births are errors..
473. “Death Certificate,” Northampton, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts , 25 Dec 1914.
File: 1914_Death_DeLong_George_MA
474. 1914, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Delong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 6 (George DeLong)., Find-A-Grave Memorial #170005054.
475. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Wilmington, New Castle Co., Delaware.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 2-39, Ward 7, Page 11B, Dwelling 81, Family 86, line 69. 2435 18th Street. Arabella DeLong (age 73, widow, born New Jersey). Helen B. DeLong (age 43, daughter, born New Jersey, teacher), Alberto Zande (age 11, grandson, born Kentucky) and Elena Zande (age 7, granddaughter, born Missouri) listed.
476. 1939, “Death Certificate, Arabella M. DeLong,” Farnhurst, New Castle Co., Delaware.
"Delaware Death Records, 1855-1961," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 3 December 2014), Arabella M. De Long, 07 Oct 1939; citing Farnhurst, New Castle, Delaware, United States, Hall of Records, Dover; FHL microfilm 1,944,079.
477. 1941, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Delong Family Plot, Section D, PLot 623, Grave 8. Arabelle M. DeLong, ashes buried, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170005099.;GRid=170005099&
478. 1880, “U. S. Census,” New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration DIstrict 533, Sheet 23, Ward , Dwelling 135, Family 193, Line 48, 10th Ave near 158th Street. David DeLong household (age 37, born New York, fish dealer); wife Margaret (age 29, born New York); children Maud (age 9, born New York), Nellie (age 7, born New York), Amy (age 3, born New York) and Walter (age 1, born New York) listed.
479. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York CIty, New York.
Supervisor’s district 1, Enumeration District 631, page 13B, dwelling 120, family 303, line 80. 506 145th Street. David DeLong household (age 56, born Dec 1843, New York); wife Margaret (age 48, born Nov 1854, New York); children Nellie (age 27, born Aug 1872), Annie (age 23, born May 1877), Walter (age 21, born Apr 1879), Charles (age 17, born Jul 1882) and Florence (age 13, born May 1887) listed. Margaret DeLong was the mother of 5 children; 5 were alive in 1900.
480. “Cemetery Record,” 1906, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 4, David DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170004605.;GRid=170004605&
481. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration district 697, ward 17, page 8A, dwelling 54, family 204, line 81. 500 W. 149th Street - apartment bldg. Margaret A. DeLong (Delong) household (age 56, widow, born New York); children Nellie A. (age 32,born New York, single); Charles F. (age 26, married 4 years), Florence M (age 24, daughter-in-law, married 4 years), Helen M. (age 22, single) and Annie C. (age 28, single).
482. 1915, “NY State Census,” New York, New York.
Assembly District 23, Election District 31, Page 16, Block 3, Line 18, 723 St. Nicholas Ave. Henry Phillips (age 37, secratary @ real estate) household; wife Nellie (age 41, school teacher). Margaret DeLong (age 64, mother-in-law) and Aimee DeLong (age 38, reg. nurse) also listed.
483. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 1444, Sheet 14B, Ward 21, Dwelling 30, Family 407, Line 81, 723 St. Nicholas
Street. Henry A Phillips household (age 42, born New York, private secratary); wife Nellie (age 38, born New York); Margaret DeLong (age 65, mother-in-law), Annie E. DeLong (age 35, sister-in-law, nurse) also listed.
484. 26 Mar 1927, “Death Index,” Bronx, New York.
Died at home at 3572 DeKalb St., Bronx, NY.
485. “1927,” Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess CO., New York, Delong Family PLot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 7. Margaret (Becker) DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170004677.
486. "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 6 December 2014), William Perry Hunt and Anna May O'Hare, 05 Aug 1924, Marriage; State Capitol Building, Montpelier; FHL microfilm 2,050,741.
487. “Death Certificate,” U. S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1958.
488. 1958, Beverly National Cemetery, Beverly, Burlington C., New Jersey, Section J, Site 2840, Willam Perry Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 117097290.;GRid=117097290&
489. 1972, Beverly National Cemetery, Beverly, Burlington C., New Jersey, Section J, Site 2839, Ana Mae Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 2516061.
490. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Baldwinville, Onondaga Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 12, Enumeration District 58, page 8B, dwelling 195, family 214, line 82. Charles F. Hunt jousehold (age 25, born Jul 1875, New York, physician & surgeon); wife Amry (age 23, born Apr 1877, New York) listed. Clarence H. Murphy (age 27, boarder), Mary L. Haight (age 53, born Sep 1846, Tennessee, mother-in-law, married), David H. Haight (age 26, born Nov 1873, New Yorkbrother-in-law) and Blanche Young (age 24, single, servant) also listed. Mary Hunt was the mother of 0 children; 0 were alive in 1900. Mary L. Haight was the mother of 4 children; 3 were alive in 1900.
491. 1905, “N. Y. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Assembly DIstrict 23, Election District 30, page 6B, ine 21, 539 West 149th Street. Charles F. Hunt household (age 30, retired); wife Mary J. (age 20); children Charles F. (age 4), Egbert (age 4) and Marvin (age 2) listed. Merrill Tappen (age 26, boarder) and Bertha Scully (age 27, servant) also listed.
492. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 1, Enumeration District 696, page 6B, ward 12, dwelling 45, family 135, line 59 537 West 149th Street Charles F. Hunt household (age 34, phycisian); wife Ida E. (age 29) listed. Mary Dorlon (age 27, servant, single) also listed.
493. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 1, Enumeration District 1473, page 5A, dwelling 24, family 120, line 4. 537 West 149th Street. Charles F. Hunt household (age 45 years and 6 months, physician, own office); wife Ida E. (age 40 years and 2 months) listed. Hanna Harnett (age 40 years and 6 months, servant, single) also listed.
494. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 22, Enumeration District 31-398, page 21A, line 36. Apartment house at 262-270 West 72nd Street Charles F. Hunt household (age 55, medical doctor); wife Ida E. (age 50) listed.
495. 1934 Death Record Index, Bronx, New York. Charles Hunt certificate # 6797.
496. Obituary, New York Times (NY), 3 Aug 1934, “Dr. Charles Frederick Hunt, Ear, Nose and Throat Specilist – Here for 30 Years” – died 2 Aug 1934 at residence, 425 West End Ave. husband (2nd marriage) of Ida E. Hunt, father (1st marriage) of Charles F. Jr., Egbert Jansen and Robert Hunt. Born 18 Jul 1875, Chelsea, N. Y., son of George W and Theresa Aldrich Hunt. Graduated from Columbia University (1898), College of Physicians and Surgeons, began practice (1902); served in 102nd Regiment (WWI); member of Rising Star Lodge, Constantine Commandery and Mecca Temple, Hudson River Country Club.
497. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio.
Supervisor’s district 11, Enumeration District 176, page 4A, ward 12, dwelling 67, family 72, line 43. 38 Fourteenth (14th) Street. Mary J. Hunt (age 33, divorced, own income) household; children Charles F. (age 8), Edward J (age 8) and Robert C. (age 7) listed.
498. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Bronx, Bronx Co., New York.
Supervisor;s District 2, Enumeration District 414, page 15A, dwelling 114, family 341, line 16. 63 West 180th Street Mary Haight household (age 73, widow). Clara Bruse (age 33, maid) listed. Mary Hunt (age 43, divorced, no occupation) household; children Charles F. (age 18, son), Jansen (age 18, son) and Robert (age 16, son) listed.
499. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 22, Enumeration District 31-424, page 25B, Dwelling 60, Family 567, line 82, 101 85th Street. Mary Haight (age 82, widow), Mary J. Hunt (age 52, daughter, divorced, artist) and Florence M. Ward (age 48, widow, lodger) listed.
500. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 16, Enumeration District 31-1061, page 13A, Dwelling 60, Family 567, line 33, 223 Lexington Ave. Mary Hunt (age 63, widow); Charles F. Hunt (age 38, single, refergerative business) listed.
501. "New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Charles Hunt M.D. and Mary Haight, 19 Apr 1899; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,503,975.
502. 1897, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 157, Grave 2, Thomas Aldridge Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263807.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
503. "New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Paul Edward Hunt, 06 Sep 1885; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, reference cn 7731 New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,324,388.
504. 1940 Obituary, New York Times. 12 Jan 1940, George W. Hunt.
505. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Charlottesville, Albermarle Co., Virginia.
Supervisor’s district 8, Enumeration District 104-14A, page 15A, Ward 4, Dwelling 362, Family xx, line 37, Preston Court Apartments, Apt 30. Paul E. Hunt (age 54, resided Poughkeepsie, NY 1935) household; wife Esther F. (age 56, resided Poughkeepsie, NY 1935) listed.
506. 1959 Letter written by Paul Edwards Hunt (of Walla Walla, Washington) to Fishkill Rural Cemetery, concerning plot B-157 interments.
507. 1974, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co, New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, PLot 157, Grave 10, Paul Edward Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263599.;GRid=170263599&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
508. 1963, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co, New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, PLot 157, Grave 9, Esther Godfrey Fuller, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263667.;GRid=170263667&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
509. 1908 Marriage Record, Orange County, New York. Record number 155, page 31.
510. 1912, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 157, Grave 4, Ralph Haviland Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263750.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
511. 1877, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, King’s Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Chrysanthemum Path, Section 198, Lot 30773, Grave 1, David Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial #110268074 .
512. 1895, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Charles Alfred Hunt Family Plot, Section N, Plot 19, Grave 2, Mary Garrison Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 152576428.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
513. 1920, “U. S. Census,” East Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
Supervisor’s district 19, Enumeration District 543, ward 4, page 4A, dwelling 149, family 213, line 17, 13319 Gainesborro Avenue. Hubert Mohr household (age 30, born Ohio, mechanical engineer - aeroplanes); wife Jane (age 27, born New York); children Hubert Jr. (age 4 years 11 months, born Ohio) and Dorothy (age 7 months, born Ohio) listed.
514. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio.
Supervisor’s district 8, Enumeration District 78-33, ward 6, page 23A, dwelling 524, family 593, line 47. 1537 Drexel Avenue Hubert Mohr household (age 40, born Ohio, adv manager, electric company); wife Jane (age 38, born New York); children Hubert Jr. (age 15, born Ohio) and Dorothy (age 10, born Ohio) listed.
515. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Hiram, Portage Co., Ohio.
Supervisor’s district 23, Enumeration District 67-19, page 8B, dwelling 174, family xx, line 49. State Route 82. Hubert Mohr household (age 50, born Ohio, executive electric company); wife Jane (age 48, born Chelsea, New York); children Hubert Jr. (age 25, single, born Ohio) and Dorothy (age 20, single, born Ohio) listed.
516. 1961 Death Certificate. Jane H. Mohr, born 1892, died on 26 Aug 1961 at Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio; age 69; resident of Portage County, Ohio. Certificate #54836.
517. 1961, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Herbert Mohr Family Plot, Section O, Plot 10B, Grave 1, Jane Hunt Mohr, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 168612964.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
518. Social Security Death Index. Hubert Mohr, born 3 Jan 1890; died Nov 1979; Last residence –Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky; Last benefit Beacon, Dutchess County, New York. SSN 278-07-4414.
519. California Death Index. Hubert C. Mohr, born 3 Jan 1890, Ohio; died 9 Nov 1979, San Bernardino County, California. SSN 278-07-4414.
520. 1979, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Herbert Mohr Family Plot, Section O, Plot 10B, Grave 2, Herbert C. Mohr, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 168612949.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
521. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 7, Enumeration District 20, page 4A, dwelling 64, family 70, line 19. Brockway Road. Mortimer H. Brockway household (age 23, born New York, machinist at brickyard); wife Irene (age 21, born New York) listed.
522. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Brockway, Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 19, Enumeration District 14-25, page 3B, dwelling 84, family 86, line 79. Brockway Road. H. Mortimer Brockway household (age 33, born New York, superindentant at brickyard); wife Agnes I. (age 31, born New York); children Hobart M. (age 10), Elizabeth I. (age 5) and David A. (age 1 year 5 months) listed.
523. 1972, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Charles Alfred Hunt Family Plot, Section N, Plot 19, Grave 5, Agnes Irene Brockway, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263940.;GRid=170263940&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
524. Social Security Death Index. H. Brockway, born 19 Oct 1896; died Jan 1985; residence at time of death – zip code – Beacon, Dutchess County, New York. SSN 087-12-0697.
525. 1985, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Charles Alfred Hunt Family Plot, Section N, Plot 19, Grave 6, Hobart M. Brockway, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263957.;GRid=170263957&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
526. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Bronx, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration DIstrict 1029, Sheet 7B, Dwelling 103, Family 132, Line 79, 121 Woody Crest Ave. James H.
Conklin household (age 37, born Nov 1862); wife Maude B. (age 28, born Jun 1871); child Harold D. (age 3, born Jul 1896) listed. Maude B. was the mother of 1 child; 1 was alive in 1900.
527. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration District 65, ward 3, page 3B, dwelling 58, family 47, line 61. 120 Washington Street James H. Conklin household (age 47); wife Maude B. (age 39); children Harold DeL. (age 13) and Warren R. (age 9) listed. Maude B. was the mother of 2 children – 2 were alive in 1910.
528. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 6, Enumeration District 90, ward 3, page 2A, dwelling 30, family 33, line 43. 56 Adams Street. James H. Conklin household (age 57); wife Maude B. (age 48); children Harold L. (age 23) and Warren R. (age 18) listed.
529. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 6, Enumeration District 60-82, Ward 3, page 2A, dwelling 30, family 33, line 43. 56 Adams Street James H. Conklin household (age 57); wife Maude B. (age 48); children Harold L. (age 23) and Warren R. (age 18) listed.
530. “Cemetery Record,” 1954, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 14, Maude DeLong Conklin, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032944.
531. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 50, Enumeration District 68-125, Sheet 61A, Ward 12, Dwelling 216, Family xx, Line 21, 19 Illinois Ave. James H. Conklin household (age 78); wife Maud B. (age 68); children H. DeLong (age 43, single) and Warren R. (age 39, married) listed.
532. Death notice, New York Times (NY) - James H. Conklin, of 25 Illinois Ave, Bronxville, N.Y., husband of Maude DeLong and father of Harold and Warren, died suddenly on 3 NOV 1949. Services at Burr Davis Chapel, 15 4th Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y.
533. “SSDI,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York, 3 Nov 1949, SSN: 104-03-5981.
534. “Cemetery Records,” 1949, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 11, James Henry Conklin, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032819.
535. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 20, Enumeration DIstrict 60-202, page 6B, dwelling 110, family 134, line 89. 83 Parkway West Henry A. Phillips household (age 52, private secratary); wife Nellie D. (age 57); Antoinette Rouse (age 71, widow, mother) and Aimee DeLong (age 52, single, sister-in-law, trained nurse, board of health) also listed.
536. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 50, Enumeration District 60-145, Sheet 13A, Dwelling 253, Family xx, Line 14, 83 Parkway West. Henry A. Phillips (age 63, private secratary) household; wife Nellie (age 66). Hanna Rouse (age 81, widow, mother) and Aimee DeLong (age 62, sister-in-law) also listed.
537. “Cemetery Record,” 1944, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Philips Family Plot, Section D, Plot 607, Grave 4, , Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170113532.;GRid=170113532&
538. “NY State Health Dept Index ,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York, 29 Oct 1960.
"New York State Health Department, Genealogical Research Death Index, 1957-1963," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2014), Henry A Phillips, 29 Oct 1960; citing Death, Mount Vernon, Westchester, New York, New York State Department of Health—Vital Records Section, Albany.
539. “Social Security Application,” SSN 091-26-6987.
540. 1960, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 607, Grave ??, Henry A. Phillips, Find-A-Grave Memorial #19789358.;GRid=19789358&
541. 1876, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Delong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 1. George W. DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170005394.
542. 1959, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 15, Aimee E. DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032972.;GRid=170032972&
543. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 689, Sheet 31B, Dwelling 84, Family 869, Line 71, 552 West 160th Street. Walter M. DeLong (age 32, clerk, PO Dept) household; wife Harriet V. (age 32); child Helen (age 7) listed. Harriet V. DeLong was the mother of 2 children; 1 was alive in 1910.
544. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration DIstrict 1484, Sheet 35A, Dwelling 36, Family 392, Line 36, 530 West 160th Street. Walter M. DeLong (age 41, clerk at post office) household; wife Harriet (age 43); child Helen (age 17) listed. Marion Parker (age 21, step-daughter, single, messenger at department store) also listed.
545. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York CIty, New York.
Supervisor’s District 24, Enumration District 31-1062, Sheet 15A, Dwelling 45, Family 372, Line 35, 550 West 160th Street. Walter M. DeLong (age 52, postal clerk) household; wife Harriet (age 54); child Helen (age 28, single) listed. Frank Woodward (age 51, married, brother… brother-in-law, investigator,3rd Ave railway) also listed.
546. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Newburgh, Orange Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 26, Enumeration District 36-96, Sheet 20A, Ward 6, Dwelling 313, Family xx, Line 34, 448 First Street. Walter M. Delong (age 62) household; wife Harriet (age 63), child Helen M. (age 37, single) listed.
547. “Social Security Application,” SSN: 090-20-8918.
548. “Cemetery Record,” 1951, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 13, Walter Maurice DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032933.;GRid=170032933&
549. “Cemetery Record,” 1951, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 12, Harriet V. Woodward DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032912.
550. 26 Feb 1902, Manhattan, New York CIty, New York.
"New York Marriages, 1686-1980," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Walter Maurice Delong and Harriet V. Woodward, 26 Feb 1902; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 1,570,693.
551. 1883, “New York City Birth Index,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Charles F. Delong, 18 Jul 1883; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, reference ; FHL microfilm 1,322,182.
552. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 6, Enumeration District 103, Sheet 9B, Ward 5, Dwelling 175, Family 181, Line 92, 135 Beaton Street. Frederick Sprenger (age 37, single, carpenter) household; Catherine Sprenger (age 62, widow, mother), Helen M. DeLong (age 34, sister), Charles F. DeLong (age 36, brother-in-law, salesman, machinery), Charles F. DeLong (age 3, nephew) and Marjory M. (age 5m, neice) also listed,.
553. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 20, Enumeration District 60-202, Sheet 3B, Dwelling 45, Family 68, Line 79, 215 Orchard Street. Charles F. DeLong (age 46, widow, sales manager, wholesale bread); children Charles F. DeLong Jr. (age 14) and Marjorie (age 10) listed. Lillie Winschel (age 41, widow, servant) also listed.
554. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 50, Enumeration District 60-145, Sheet 2A, Dwelling 28, Family xx, 18 Orchard Street. Charles F. DeLong (age 57, widow, distr. mgr, textiles) household; children Charles F. Jr. (age 24) and Marjorie (age 20) listed
555. “Cemetery Record,” 1945, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 607, Grave 7, Charles F. DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170033124.
556. “Cemetery Record,” 1922, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 607, Grave 6, Helen Sprenger , Find-A-Grave Memorial #170033110.;GRid=170033110&
557. 16 Jan 1906, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Cerificate #3170.
558. 1887, Manhattan, New York City, New York.
"New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Delong, 15 May 1887; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, reference cn 489230 New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,322,221.
559. “U. S. Census,” Hillsdale, Bergen Co., New Jersey, 1920.
Supervisor’s DItrict 6, Enumeration District 52, Sheet 9B, Dwelling 207, Family 207, Line 71, Large Avenue. Henry J. Muller (age 34, immigranted 1910, rail manager, export firm) household; wife Florence M. (age 32); children Charles F. (age 6) and David (age 2) listed.
560. “U. S. Census,” Bronx, Bronx Co., New York, 1930.
Supervisor’s District 26, Enumeration DIstrict 3-898, Sheet 4A, Dwelling 17, Family 26, Line 6, 3995 Bell Avenue. Henry Muller (age 43, patrolman, police dept.) household; wife Florence (age 22); children Charles (age 16), David (age 12) and Walter (age 9) listed.
561. “U. S. Census,” New York CIty, Bronx Co., New York, 1940.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 24, Enumeration District 3-694, Sheet 5B, Assembly District 6, Dwelling 104, Family xx, Line 45, 3995 Bell Avenue. Henry Muller (age 54, tariff compilier, freight forwarding co.) household; wife Florence (age 52); childre Charles (age 26, single, clerk brokerage), David (age 22, single, transfer clerk, brokerage) and Walter (age 18, single, runner, freight forwarding co.) listed
562. “Cemetery Record,” 1943, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 10, Florence DeLong Muller, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032752.;GRid=170032752&
563. “SSDI,” Hempstead, Nassau Co., Long Island, New York, Feb 1971, 056-09-0774.
564. 27 Feb 1911, Certificate #5690, Manhattan, New York CIty, New York.
"New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Henry John August Mueller and Florence May De Long, 27 Feb 1911; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,613,075.
565. “U. S. Census,” Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, 1940.
Supervisor’s District 11, Enumeration District 11-7, Sheet 3A, Dwelling 53, Family xx, Line 27, 156 Hillside Street. Luigi Zande (age 53, born Italy, contractor engineer at rayon company) household; wife Caroline H. (age 39, born Illinois); Alberto Zande (age 21, son, born Kentucky, frame spinner at rayon company) and Elena Zande (age 19, daughter, born Missouri) listed.
566. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Lower Hominy, Buncombe Co., North Carolina.
Supervisor’s District 243, Enumeration District 35, page 14A, line 32. Ashville School for Boys - Helen B. DeLong (age 32, teacher, single, born New Jersey) listed.
567. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Wilmington, New Castle Co., Delaware.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 4-50, Sheet 10B, Ward 7, Dwelling 203, Family xx, Line 48, 1418 Hamilton St. Helen Bray DeLong household (age 53, single, born New Jersey, teacher at private school) listed.
568. 1942, “Death Certificate,” Wilmington, New Castle Co., Delaware.
Acute cardiac failure.
"Delaware, Wilmington Vital Records, 1847-1954," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 September 2015), Helen Bray De Long, 24 Jun 1942; citing Death, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, United States, Public Archives, Dover; FHL microfilm 2,188,041.
569. Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 9, Helen B. DeLong. Ashes buried, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032588.;GRid=170032588&
570. 1972, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Lot 623, Grave 16, Harold DeLong Conklin, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170032867.
571. “U. S. Census,” Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., New York, 1930.
Supervisor’s District 20, Enumeration DIstrict 60-237, Sheet 1A, Dwelling 3, Family 17, Line 42, 60 E. 4th Street, apartment bldg. Warren Conklin (age 29, salesman, oil burner industry) household; wife Daisy (age 21); child Warren (age 3y+11m) listed.
572. Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Phillips Faily PLot, Section D, Plot 607, Grave 3, Warren R. Conklin, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170033084.;GRid=170033084&
573. 19 Mar 1898, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Certificate #4835.
574. “Cemetery Record,” 1904, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 2, Florence M. DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170032714.;GRid=170032714&
575. 10 Nov 1895, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Certificate #1062.
576. 22 Apr 1923, Manhattan, New York City, New York.
"New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 24 January 2016), Harriet V Woodward in entry for Kenneth King and Marion J Parker, 22 Apr 1923; citing county clerk’s office, Orange, New York, United States; FHL microfilm 829,658.
577. “SSDI,” Nov 1980, SSN: 125-09-0744.
578. “SSDI,” Florida, 2 May 1998, 112-12-5782 Lavanda P. Muller.
579. “Cemetery Record,” 1914, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Lot 623, Grave 5, Henry J. Muller, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170189446.
580. “American Battle Monuments Comission ,” Jun 1944, Normandy American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer, France, Plot E, Row 17, Grave 31.
581. “Cemetery Records,” Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section D, Plot 607, Grave 1, Walter DeLong Muller (memorial marker), Find-A-Grave Memorial # 19789357.
582. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 21, Enumeration Distrct 31-1915, Sheet 8A, Assembly District 22, Dwelling 157, Family xxx, Line 7, 3657 Broadway. Fred C. Wade (age 50, real estate broker) household; wife Elsie Wade (age 49, studio artist) listed. Delaphine Heacock (age 73, mother-in-law, widow) also listed.
583. “Cemetery Record,” 1975, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family PLot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 7, Elsie V. H. Wade, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264459.;GRid=170264459&
584. “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York, 1910.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 692, Sheet 13A, Ward 12, Dwelling 32, Family 460, 51416 152nd Street. William B. Heacock (age 28, clerk, street railroad) household; wife Helen M. (age 28) listed.
585. “Death Record,” Manhattan, New York CIty, New York, 1910.
"New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), William Heacock, 24 Jul 1910; citing Death, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,323,253.
586. “Cemetery Record,” 1910, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 4, William Heacock, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170360588.;GRid=170360588&
587. "New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Jillian Ethel Hunt, 05 Sep 1887; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, reference cn 500122 New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,322,224.
588. "New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), William E Bernhardy and Lillian Ethel Hunt, 25 Oct 1911; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,613,275.
589. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York CO., New York.
Supervisor’s District 24, Enumeration District 31-1061, Sheet 6B, Assembly District 22, Dwelling 14, Family 125, Line 51, 530 West 159th Street. Mortimer Hunt (age 55, age at 1st marriage 54, special oficer at Bank of America) household; wife Jeanne C. (age 42, age at first marriage 41) listed. Irene Clearwater (age 35, sister-in-law, single, stenographer at copper producers) also lsited.
590. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s District 21, Enumeration District 31-1887, Sheet 7A, Dwelling 137, Family xxx, Line 4, 530 West 159th Street. Mortimer Hunt (age 69) household; wife Jaenie (age 50) listed. Irene Clearwater (age 45, sister-in-law, clerk at coper mining company) also listed.
591. Death notice, New York Times (NY) – Mortimer Hunt, died 10 Jan 1947, husband of Jeanie (Clearwater) Hunt. Brother of the late Livingston Hunt. Services at Walter Cooke Funeral Home, 180th Street and Jerome Ave.
592. 1947, “Death Record,” Bronx, New York Co., New York.
"New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Mortimer Hunt, 10 Jan 1947; citing Death, Bronx, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 2,200,125.
593. “Cemetery Record,” 1947, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter H. Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 848, Grave 2, Mortimer Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264518.;GRid=170264518&
594. “Cemetery Record,” 1960, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, 154-22693, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 103633821.
595. “Birth Record,” 1869, Manhattan, New York City, New York.
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), James S. Hunt, 20 Mar 1869; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, reference ; FHL microfilm 1,315,317.
596. “Cemetery Record,” 1869, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section B, Plot 251, unmarked grave, James S. , Find-A-Grave Memorial #170293831.
Fishkill Rural Cemetery records indicate a burial of an ‘Howard’ Hunt (twin, died 14 Jul 1869, age 4 months); the burial plot location is not recorded, but is assumed to be in the unmarked graves in the David Hunt plot. It is not uncommon for names of infants to be recored incorrectly in the burial record.;GRid=170293831&
597. “Birth Record,” 1869, Manhattan, New York City, New York.
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Peter H. Hunt, 20 Mar 1869; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, reference ; FHL microfilm 1,315,317.
598. “Cemetery Record,” 1869, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section B, Plot 251, unmarked grave, Peter H. , Find-A-Grave Memorial #170293839.
Fishkill Rural Cemetery records indicate a burial of an ‘Alonzo’ Hunt (twin, died 28 Jul 1869, age 4 months); the burial plot location is not recorded, but is assumed to be in the unmarked graves in the David Hunt plot. It is not uncommon for names of infants to be recored incorrectly in the burial record.;GRid=170293839&
599. “Cemetery Record,” 1872, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Section B, Plot 251, unmarked grave, Elmer Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170293823.
Fishkill Rural Cemetery records indicate a burial of an ‘Elmer’ Hunt (died 25 Oct 1872, age less than 3 years); the burial plot location is not recorded, but is assumed to be in the unmarked graves in the David Hunt plot.;GRid=170293823&
600. “Cemetery Record,” 1962, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, 154-22693, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 103633945.
1-200, 201-400, 401-600, 601-800, 801-896