201. “Illinois State Archives.”
Illinois state certificate # 00011702
202. 1880, Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, “Marriage Record.”
"Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 December 2014), Fred A. Seeger and Lottie A. Marley, 07 Feb 1880; citing Chicago, Cook, Illinois, , Cook County Courthouse, Chicago; FHL microfilm 1,030,112.
203. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 116, Enumeration District 158, Ward 15, page 12A, dwelling 226, family 248, line 48. 1169 Jefferson. John Thomas household (age 23, born Nov 1876, Canada, watchmaker & jeweler); wife Louise (age 32, born Mar 1878, Michigan) listed. Louise Thomas was the mother of 0 children; 0 were alive in 1900.
204. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 195, Ward 13, page 3A, dwelling 66, family 74, line 92. 26 Zende Place. John S. Thomas household (age 33, born Canada, merchant, jewelery shop); wife Louise G. (age 32) listed. Louise G. Thomas was the mother of 0 children; 0 were alive in 1910.
205. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 145, Enumeration District 252, Ward 8, page 6A, dwelling 78, family 138, line 29. 749 Trumbull Street. John S. Thomas household (age 42, born Canada, optician at jewelery store); wife Louise G. (age 41) listed.
206. “Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1948.
207. “Death Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1929.
File: 1929_DeathCert_Thomas_John_LouiseSeeger_MI
208. “Cemetery Record,” 1876, Mount Elliott Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Section B, Lot 73, Grave 3 -- NO STONE, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 124489749.
209. “Advertisement,” New York, New York, 1839.
File: 1839_Death_Ad_Duryea_Abraham_NY
210. 1870, “U. S. Census,” New York CIty, New York.
Election District 6, Page 41, Ward 16, Dwelling 176, Family 248, Line 13. Eliza DeLong household; children George W. DeLong (age 28), David DeLong (age 26) and John DeLong (age 22) listed.
211. 1873, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co, New York, DeLong Family Plot, Section D, Plot 623, Grave 3, Eliza DeLong, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170004826.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
212. “New York City Municipal Deaths,” 1848.
"New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Jonathan Delong, 28 Feb 1848; citing Death, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 447,552.
213. 1848, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, King’s CO., New York, Section 59, Lot 1877, Find-A-Grave Memorial #136846825 .
214. 1860, “U. S. Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District , Enumeration District, Sheet 270, Post Office Matteawan, Dwelling 1911, Family 2064, Line 34. Charles F. Hunt (age 38, carpenter) household; wife Jane C. (age 34) children David (age 14), Mary J. (age (12), William P. (age 10), George W. (age 8) and Charles F. (age 2) listed. NARA Roll M653_742, Page 643, Image 128. Family History Library Film #803742.
215. “NY State Census,” Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co, New York, 1865.
Election District 3, Page 43, Dwelling 304, Family 304, Line 29, Charles F. Hunt (age 45, born Dutchess Co., carpenter) household; wife Jane C. (age 39, born Putnam Co.); children Mary J. (age 17, born Brooklyn), William PC (age 15, born Brooklyn), George W. (age 13, born Brooklyn) and Charles F (age 9, born Dutchess Co.) listed.
Note: Additional families of interest are: dwelling 303 - Peter Hunt family; dwelling 304 - Charles F. Hunt family; dwelling 307 - George Glass family & dwelling 309 - David Hunt family.
216. “U. S. Census,” Fishkill Plains, Dutchess Co., New York , 1870.
Supervisor’s District , Enumeration Disrict , Sheet 52, Dwelling 287, Family 424, Line 20, Charles Hunt (age 48) household; wife Jane C. (age 44); children David (age 24, Com Merchant), George (age 18, clerk), William P. (age 20), Mary J. (age 22) and Charles A. (age 12) listed.
Note: George Glass household listed on same page (dwelling 283)
217. 1871 Hannah (Titsworth) Hunt Will states son – Charles F. Hunt, of Carthage, Dutchess County, New York.
218. “NY State Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, 1875.
Election District 3, Page 4, Dwelling 33, Family 34, Line 11, Charles F. Hunt (age 53, born Dutchess Co., retired builder) household; wife Jane C. (age 49, born Dutchess Co.). Mary J. Dorland (age 26, daughter, born Dutchess Co.), John W. Dorland (age 28, son-in-law, born Dutchess Co., bookkeeper), George W. (age 23, son, born Dutchess), Frederick (age 22, son), William P. C. Hunt (age 25, son, clerk), Frank Hunt (age 16, son, born Dutchess Co.) and Sarah A. Hunt (age 14, daughter, born Dutchess Co.) listed. Note: Frank Hunt is Charles Alfred Hunt (1857-1917). Frederick Hunt is Charles F. Hunt (1848-1912), son of George W. Hunt and Sarah Ann Lyons. Sarah A. Hunt is a also a daughter of George W. Hunt and Sarah Ann Lyons.
219. “Cemetery Record,” 1875, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 251, Grave 4, Charles F. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170262893.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
220. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Carthage Landing, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisror’s District 3, Enumeration District 73, Sheet 19, Dwelling 156, Family 177, Line 16, Jane C. Hunt (age 52, widow, keeping house, born New York) household; son Charles A. (age 21, son, farm laborer, born New York) listed. Sarah A. Hunt (age 19, niece, vistor, born Michigan) also listed.
221. 1889, “NY Times, Page 5.”
Jane Hunt, spouse of the late Chas. F. Hunt.
222. “Cemetery Record,” 1889, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 251, Grave 3, Jane C. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial #170263001.
223. “NYG&BR,” 1932 (add issue#).
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (quarterly), 1932, selected extracts. On microfilm at Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Genealogical Research Library, comp. New York City, Marriages, 1600s-1800s [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
224. 1850, “U. S. Census,” Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York.
Page 114. NARA Roll M432_365, Page 114A, Image 218. Dwelling 1235, Family 1629. George Glass household (age 32, boatman); wife Maria (age 22); child Hannah (age 2) listed. Ellen Morgan (age 16) also listed. Allen Glass (age 25, boatman) is listed in the house previous to George - possible brother??
225. 1860, “U. S. Census,” New York City, New York.
District 5, Sheet 337, Ward 21, Dwelling 633, Family 2780, Line 22. George Glass (age 42, boatman); Maria Glass (age 33), Charles Glass (age 5), Adelaide (age 2). David Dilann (age 1) also listed.
226. 1865, “NY Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Election District 3, Page 44, Dwelling 307, Family 307, Line 1. George Glass (age 48, sea man); wife Mariah (age 38); children Hannah (age 17), Emma (age 15), Georgina (age 13), Charles (age 9), Adelaid (age 6) and Stephen (age 4) listed.
Note: Additional families of interest are: dwelling 303 - Peter Hunt family; dwelling 304 - Charles F. Hunt family; dwelling 307 - George Glass family & dwelling 309 - David Hunt family.
227. 1870, “U. S. Census,” Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
DIstrict 3 Town of Fishkill, Post Office: Fishkill Plains, Sheet 52, Dwelling 283, Family 430, Line 3. George Glass (age 54, freight agent); wife Maria (age 44); children Hannah E. (age 22), Emma (age 20, music teacher), Georgiana (age 18), Charles (age 15), Adelaine (age 12) and Stephen (age 9) listed. Census dated 6 Jul 1870.
228. 1875, “NY Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Third Election DIstrict, Dwelling 20, Family 21. George Glass (age 58, captain barge) household: Wife Maria (age 48); children Hannah (age 28, single), Emma (age 25, single), Georgianna (age 23, single), Charles (age 1, single) and Adelaide (age 16, single) listed.
229. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Carthag eLanding, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration Dostrict 73, Sheet 20B, Dwelling 170, Family 191. George Glass (age 61, runs a barge) household; wife Mariah (age 53); children Charles B. (age 24, single, works on barge), Stephen B. (age 19, works on barge), Hannah (age 31, single, without occupation) and Adalade (age 21, single, without occupation) listed.
230. 1892, “NY Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
District 4, Page 6 and page 7. George Glass (age 72, boatman) household; Maria M. (age 65), Adelaide (age 30) and Stephen M. (age 28, boatman) listed. Page 7, David Hunt (age 50, merchant), sons Charles (age 18) and Raymond (age 16) listed.
231. Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 2, Maria M. Glass, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264120.;GRid=170264120&
232. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration District 43, Sheet 22A, Dwelling 303, Family 312, Line 26. George Glass (age 83, born Oct 1816, widow, retired gentleman) household; Adelade Glass (age 41, daughter, single, born Sep 1858), Stephen Glass (age 40, son, single, born Jan 1861) and Mary Davidson (age 41, servant, married born Jan 1859) listed.
233. Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 3, George Glass, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264137.;GRid=170264137&
234. 1875, “NY Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Election District 1, Page 44, Dwelling 312, Family 409, John W. Hunt (age 46, born Dutchess Co., carpenter, usual place of employment - Rochester); wife Caroline (age 46, born Orange Co.,); Carrie Hunt (age 9, born Rockland Co., step-daughter) listed.
235. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration DIstrict 36, Sheet 9, Dwelling 57, Family 84, Line 9. John W. Hunt (age 57, carpenter) household; wife Caroline (age 51, keeping house); Carrie Smith (age 23, daughter) listed.
236. 1860, “U. S. Census,” Brooklyn, King’s Co., New York.
District 1, Ward 14, Sheet 118, Williamsburgh Post Office, Dwelling 443, Family 1052. Charles Smith household (age 36, printer); wife Caroline (age 34); children Charles (age 6), Caroline (age 4) and Melvin (age 2) listed. Jane Smith (age 56, domestic) also listed.
NARA Roll M53_767, Page 342, Image 346. Family History Library Film 803767.
237. 1870, “U. S. Census,” Town of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District xx, Enumeration District xx, Page 29, Post Office: Fishkill Plains, Dwelling 181, Family 246. G. S. Adams (age 27, tobaconist) household; wife S. P. Adams (age 25, keeping house).
Dwelling 181, Family 247, J. W. Hunt (age 41, carpenter) household; wife Caroline (age 41, keeping house). Charles Smith (age 19, carpenter appt.) and Caroline (age 14) listed.
238. 1865, “NY Census,” Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York.
Peter H. Hunt (age 34, mason, born Dutchess Co. now in US Navy) household; wife Jane (age 29, born Michigan); children Annie (age 7, born Dutchess), Livingston (age 4, born Dutchess) and Delaphine (age 3, born Dutchess) listed.
Note: Additional families of interest are: dwelling 303 - Peter Hunt family; dwelling 304 - Charles F. Hunt family; dwelling 307 - George Glass family & dwelling 309 - David Hunt family.
239. 1870, “U. S. Census,” New York City, New York.
District 17, Ward 12, Page 53, Post Office New York City, Dwelling 207, Family 263, Line 31. Peter Hunt (age 37, brick layer) household; wife Jane (age 32, keeps house); children Anne (age 12), Livingston (age 8), Delephine (age 6) and Mortimer (age 4) listed.
240. “U. S. Census,” New York City, New York, 1880.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 532, Sheet 21B, Dwelling 127, Family 143, Line 30, 152 Street Boulevard + 12th Ave?. Peter H. Hunt age 48, mason) household: wife Jane (age 43, keeping house); children Annie (age 22, dress making), Livingston (age 19, railroad), Delephine (age 16) and Mortimer (age 13) listed.
241. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration DIstrict 134, Sheet 10B, Dwelling 149, Family 183, Line 85. Peter H. Hunt (age 69, born Jun 1830, New York, laborer) household; wife Jane (age 64, born May 1836, Michigan). Family 184, William Snook (age 38,born Aug 1861, New York, bath house) household; wife Annie (age 35, born Aug 1864, New York). Mortimer Hunt (age 33, born Oct 1866, New York, brother-in-law, single, bath house) also listed.
242. “Death Record,” Manhattan, New York City, New York, 1902, Certificate # 31078.
243. “Cemetery Record,” 1902, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 3, Jane A. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264339.;GRid=170264339&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
244. 6 Jun 1854, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan, County Marriages, 1820-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 April 2016), Peter Hunt and Jane Ann Andrews, 1854.
245. “Infants - Hannah Titsworth.”
Hanna Titsworth Hunt was the mother of 11 children (1865 NY State Census). Six survived into adulthood; 5 were infants or young children who died at birth or at a young age. The logical assumption is that 5 children were likey born between 1817 and 1840. There is no further information on the 5 infants; no burial records.
246. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Englewood, Bergen Co., New Jersey.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration Dostrict 2, Sheet 5, dwelling 40, family 42, line 29. David Hunt (age 34, born New York, broker); wife Annie (age 30, born New York, keeping house); children Charles H. (age 7, born New York) and Arthur R. (age 4, born New York) listed. Arthur F. Baker (age 41, horse dealer), wife Eliza H. Baker (age 42); Maggie Shipley (age 25, servant), Sarah Mahoney (age 35, servant) and Patrick O’Callahan (age 22, servant) also listed.
247. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 2, Enumeration District 5, Ward 1, page 12B, Line 75, Mansion House Hotel. David Hunt (age 54, born Sep 1845, New York, boarder, commercial broker) household; wife Anna P. (age 49, born Jul 1850, New York); children Ralph Arthur (age 24, born Nov 1875, New York, bank clerk) and Vida (age 17, born Oct 1882, New York) listed. Anna P. Hunt was the mother of 4 children; 3 were alive in 1900. Note: all are listed as boarders at the hotel.
248. Death Notice, New York Times (NY); 3 death notices (13, 14 & 15 Aug 1900) - David Hunt, age 55, of Brooklyn, New York, died suddenly on 12 Aug 1900 of apoplexy at his country home in Oswego, N. Y. He was owner of Oswego Preserving Company and head of a large New York canned goods brokerage business. He was born in Brooklyn. Services at Oswego and (next day) at Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
249. 1900, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, King’s Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Chrysanthemum Path, Section 198, Lot 30773, Grave 2, David Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial #110267843 .
250. 1900 Newspaper article, Oswego Daily Time, 24 Aug 1900, page 4, column 1. David Hunt and Company Canning Factory, Oswego, New York.
251. 1906, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, King’s Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Chrysanthemum Path, Section 198, Lot 30773, Grave 3, Anna P. Haviland Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial #147287914.
252. 1871 Marriage Record, New York Newspaper Marriage Extractio n, Barber Collection. Original data from The Brooklyn Eagle, Volume 1-14 (1963-66) and the New York Evening Post, Volume 1-7 (1933). Obtained from, 2010.
253. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Fishkill Landing, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration District 36, Sheet 3, District 1, dwelling 21, family 29, line 40. D Mary Shurter? household (age 52, widow); daughters Sarah (age 25, single) and Clara (age 20, single, music teacher); Wesley Dorlin (age 35, boarder, clerk in foundry), Mary Dorlin (age 31, boarder) and William Waldron (age 18, boarder, single, works in machine shop) also listed.
254. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Fishkill Landing, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration District 8, page 8A, Dwelling 130, Family 111, Line 20, Wesley J. Dorland (age 54, born Sep 1845, New York, bookkeeper) household; wife Mary J. (age 51, born Jun 1848, New York) listed. Mary J. Dorland was the mother of 0 children; 0 were alive in 1900. .
255. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Fishkill Landing, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 5, Enumeration District 43, page 9A, Dwelling 137, Family 179, Line 49, 53 Ferry Street. Wesley Dorland (age 63, bookkeeper) household; wife Mary (age 60) listed.
256. 1914, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, David Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 251, Grave 9, Mary J. Dorland, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263148.;GRid=170263148&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
257. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 53, page 12A, dwelling 187, family 285, line 1. 153 Academy Street. Pringle Home for Aged Men. John W. Dorland (age 73, widow) listed amongst 11 others.
258. Death Notice, Poughkeepsie Journal, 11 Dec 1923, Page 12, Column 5, Abstracted data: John W. Dorland - died Monday, St. Francis Hospital, aged 78 years. Funeral will be held from the Pringle Memorial Home, 153 Academy Street, tomorrow at half past two.
259. Poughkeepsie Journal, New York, 6 Apr 1914, Page 7, Column 1. ‘Expect Contest of Dorland Will’: Fishkill Woman Left Bulk of Her Estate to Friends and Nieces, Cutting Off Husband - An Estate of $11, 000.
260. New York Times, 14 Mar 1901. “Gets $2,000 Promised in 1845”. J. Wesley Dorland.
261. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 3, Enumeration Distrcit 43, Page 22A & 22B, Dwelling 310, family 319, line 50. William Hunt household (age 48, brick manufacturer); wife Mary (age 29, born Maine); child Perry (age 12, born Maine) also listed. Mary was the mother of 1 child; 1 was alive in 1900.
262. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 5, Enumeration District 87, page 6A, Dwelling 132, Family 138, Line 23, 53 Ferry Street. Willam Hunt (age 59, farmer) household; wife Mary (age 41, born Maine) listed. Benjamin Collier (age 45, hired man) also listed. Mary Hunt was the mother of 1 child; 1 was alive in 1910.
263. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3d, Enumeration District 117, page 8B, dwelling 99, family 178, line 64. 1457 10th Street. W. Perry Hunt household (age 32, married, born Maine, superintenent at sof drink manufacturer); wife (not listed); parents C. P. William Hunt (age 70, father, born New York, foreman at soft drink manufacturer), Mary (age 58, mother, born Maine) listed. Frances Collins (age 41, widow, mother-in-law, born Nova Scotia, Canada) also listed.
264. 1938, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, William P. C. Hunt Family Plot, Section O, Plot 12, Grave 1, Willam P. C. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 168616874.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
265. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Queens, Queens Co., New York.
Supervisor’s Dictrict 35, Enumeration District 41-524, Ozone Park, Asembly District 5, Page 1A, Dwelling 3, Family 3, line 5. 11106 111th Street. Willam P. Hunt (age 42, born Maine, salesman) household; wife Anna (age 30, born New York) listed. Frances Collins (age 81, widow, grandmother) and Mary E. Hunt (age 61, widow, mother, born Maine) also listed.
266. “Death Record,” 1938.
"New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Mary E. Hunt, 13 Jul 1938; citing Death, Bronx, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 2,194,207.
267. 1938, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, William P. C. Hunt Family Plot, Section O, Plot 12, Grave 2, Mary E. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263543.;GRid=170263543&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
268. "Maine Marriages, 1771-1907," database, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), William P. C. Hunt and Mary E. Collins, 15 Mar 1887; citing Castine,Hancock,Maine, reference ; FHL microfilm 10,804.
269. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Carthage Landing (Chelsea), Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 3, Enumeration District 73, page 20, dwelling 164, family 186, line 3. George W. Hunt household (age 28); wife Theressa (age 27); children Charles F. (age 5) and Thomas A. (age 3) listed. Catherine M. Fallis (age 64, widow, born New York, aunt) also listed.
270. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 3, Enumeration District 129, ward 3, page 1B, dwelling 195, family 230, line 60. George W. Hunt household (age 47); wife Theresa (age 42); Charles F. Hunt (age 24, son, single), Paul E. Hunt (age 14, son), Catherine Fallis (age 84, servant), Julia Murphy (age 54, servant), Charles Chamber (age 58, servant), Ralph Hunt (age 9, son) listed. Theresa Hunt was the mother of 4 children; 3 were alive in 1900. Editor’s note: Theresa died in 1892 so it is surprising she is listed in the 1900 census – census taker failed to understand she was deceased?
271. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 5, Enumeration District 87, page 12A, dwelling 269, family 280, line 3. George W. Hunt household (age 58, widow, brick manufacturer); Ralph Hunt (age 20, son, single), Paul Hunt (age 24, son, married, foreman at brick yard), Esther (age 25, daughter-in-law), Catherine (age 1, granddaughter) and Melisa Stevens (age 56, housekeeper, widow) listed.
272. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 81, page 2B, dwelling 36, family 37, line 62. George W. Hunt household (age 68,
widow); Paul E. Hunt (age 34, son, lumber - monumental), Ester G. (age 36, wife), Katherine E. (age 10, daughter) and Angelo DeSalatorie (age 40, boarder) listed.
273. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 19, Enumeration District 14-86, page 2B, dwelling 85, family 85, line 84. 15 Chelsea Road. George W. Hunt household (age 79, widow, independent); Paul E. Hunt (age 44, son, propieter - monument works), Ester F. (age 45, daughter-in-law), Edward Smith (age 30, servant) and Bessie Smith (age 25, servant) also listed.
274. 1940, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 157, Grave 5, George W. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263723.;GRid=170263723&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
275. 1892, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, George W. Hunt Family Plot, Section B, Plot 157, Grave 3, Theressa J.Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170263778.;GRid=170263778&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
276. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Newburgh, Orange Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 10, Enumeration Distrcit 84, Page 4A, Dwelling 75, family 85, line 39. 21 Overlook Place. Charles F. Hunt household (age 40, born Jun 1859, New York, landlord); wife Agnes J. (age 31, born Dec 1868, New York): children Jane C. (age 8, born Feb 1892, New York) and Agnes (age 2, born Apr 1898, New York) listed. Agnes J. Hunt was the mother of 2 children; 2 were alive in 1900.
277. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Newburgh, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 4, Enumeration District 48, page 5B, ward 1, dwelling 120, family 155, line 64. 5 Liberty Street. Charles A. (age 52, hardwood commercial trader) household; wife Agnes J. (age 43): children Jennie C. (age 18) and Agnes J. (age 12) listed. Agnes J Hunt was the mother of 3 children; 2 were alive in 1910.
278. 1917, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Charles Alfred Hunt Family Plot, Section N, Plot 19, Grave 1, Charles Alfred Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 152576607.
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
279. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Beacon, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 5, page 17A, dwelling 294, family 360, line 79. 33 Beacon Street. Annie Young (age 60, single) household; Sadie L. Young (age 58, single, sister) and Agnes Hunt (age 53, widow, sister) listed.
280. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Beacon, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s district 19, Enumeration District 14-6, page 1A, Dwelling 1, Family 1, line 1, 33 Ferry Street. Sarah L. Young (age 69, single, propietor of flower shop) household; Agnes J. Hunt (age 64, widow, sister) listed.
281. 1942, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Charles Alfred Hunt Family Plot, Section N, Plot 19, Grave 4, Agnes J. Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 152576512.;GRid=152576512&
File: Cemetery_Hunt_Peter_NY_W
282. 1919 Wedding announcement of Hobert M. Brockway and Agnes Irene Hunt. Beacon Daily Herald, Beacon, New York; Wednesday, 26 Feb 1919.
283. 1885, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 1, Hanna E. Glass.
284. 1870, “U. S. Census,” Claverack, Columbia Co., New York.
Page 29, line 36. 21 Jun 1870. Emma J. Glass, (age 20, music teacher) listed amongst many pages of teachers and students at Hudson River Institute and Claverack College, Claverack, Columbia Co. (Census dated 21 Jun 1870.)
285. Autographs from the Hudson River Institute 1850s to 1860s. Submitted & Transcribed by Ann 10 March 2004.
286. “History Of The First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, N. J.”, Records 1742-1882.
Four Parts published in one volume, 1880-1885. Total of 942 pages. Page 204, from part 4 details the RIchter family.
287. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Montclair, Essex Co., New Jersey.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 104, Page 16. Dwelling #132, family #156, Line 23. Fred J. Richters household (age 34, grocer); wife Georgiana (age 28), children George F. (age 8), Percy W. (age 7), Alice E. (age 5) and Emma E. (age 3) listed. Lizzie Gleuse (age 24, servant) and William Brennan (age 20, boarder) also listed.
288. 1895, “NJ Census,” Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., New Jersey.
Ward 1, Page 3 and page 4, Dwelling 20, Family 21.F. J. Richters (No. 89, age 20-60) household; Georgianna (No. 90, age 20-60), George F. (No. 91), P. W. Richters (No. 92), A. E. Richters (No. 93), E. E. Richters (No. 94), J. C. Richters (No. 95) , James Pender (No. 96) and Michael Murphy (No. 97) listed.
289. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Elizabeth, Union Co., New Jersey.
Supervisor’s District 4, Enumeration District 113, ward 10, page 2B, dwelling 34, family 35, line 88. 24 Cherry Street. John Richters household (age 57, born Jan 1843, Germany); wife Georgina (age 48, born Dec 1851, New York); children Percy W. (age 26, born Sep 1873, New Jersey), Emma E. (age 22, born Sep 1877, New Jersey) and John C. (age 19, born Aug 1880, New Jersey) listed. Sarah G. Aaroe (age 19, servant) also listed. Georgina Richters was the mother of 6 children; 5 were alive in 1900.
290. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Elizabeth, Union Co., New Jersey.
Supervisor’s District 5, Enumeration District 76, ward 10, page 6A, dwelling 101, family 82, line 35. 24 Cherry Street John P. Richards household (age 66, born Germany); wife Georginna G. (age 58, born New York). Elizabeth Harvey (age 24, maid) also listed. Georgina Richters was the mother of 6 children; 5 were alive in 1910.
291. “Cemetery Records,” 1914, Hillside Cemetery, Scotch Plains, Union Co., New Jersey , Georgiana Richters, ZFind-A-Grave Memorial # 117050174.;GRid=117050174&
292. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Hillside, Union Co., New Jersey.
Enumeration District 110, Supervisor’s district 5, page 16A, dwelling 101, family 82, line 35. 236 Hillside Avenue Gilbert Schnabel household (age 53, born Germany); wife Louise (age 53, born New York); child Katherine (age 32, single) listed. John Richter (age 80, boarder, widow, born Germany) also listed.
293. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 5, Enumeration District 87, page 14A, dwelling 325, family 339, line 23. Charles B. Glass household (age 54, single); Adeliade Glass (age 51, sister, single) also listed.
294. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 81, page 1A, dwelling 4, family 4, line 14. Charles B. Glass household (age 64, single); Adeliade Glass (age 50, sister, single) also listed.
295. 1923, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 5, Charles Byron Glass, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264167.;GRid=170264167&
296. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 19, Enumeration District 14-86, page 1A, dwelling 11, family 11, line 42. Broadway Street. Adelaide Glass household (age 69, single) listed.
297. 1935, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 6, Adelaide V. Glass, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264188.;GRid=170264188&
298. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., New York.
Enumeration District 87, Supervisor’s district 5, page 4A, dwelling 87, family 91, line 47. Stephen Glass household (age 49, farmer); wife Sarah (age 34); child Elizabeth (age 2) listed. Sophie Oppenheimer (age 27, widow, servant) also listed. Sarah Glass was the mother of 1 child; 1 was alive in 1910.
299. 1914, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Glass Family Plot, Section B, Plot 174, Grave 4, Stephen Mortimer Glass, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264156.
300. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Town of Newburgh, Orange Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 7, Enumeration District 142, Ward 2, Page 1B, dwelling 9, family 14, line 51. 210 Liberty Street. Hannah M. Hadden (age 83, boarder) household; Emma Everett (age 55, boarder), Florence Little (age 30, boarder), Jennie M. Little (age 28, boarder), Clifton Belle (age 31, boarder), Sadie E. Glass (age 51, widow, boarder) and Elizabeth D. Glass (age 11, boarder) listed.
301. 1925, “NY Census,” Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York.
Election District 3, Ward 6, Page 26, Line 46. Sadie E. Glass (age 57), daughter Elizabeth Stevie Glass (age 17) listed.
302. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California.
Supervisor’s Dictrict 17, Enumeration District 19-350, Ward 2, Page 6B, dwelling 29, line 56. 939 Figueroa Street - Hotel Figueroa. Sadie E. Glass (age 61, widow, lodger, born New York, parents born New York) listed.
303. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 26, Enumeration District 14-79, Page 1B, dwelling 137, family xx, line 43. 45 May Street. Sadie E. Glass (age 71, widow, boarder) listed.
304. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 1, Enumeration Distrct 1443, Sheet 8A, Ward 21, Dwelling 408, Family 202, Line 36, 408 West 150th Street. William S. B. Heacock (age 65, clerk, bookkeeper at newspaper) household; wife Delaphine (age 50); daughter Elsie B. (age 23, single, fashion designer) listed. Mortimer Hunt (age 48, brother-in-law, single, xxx? foreman) and Annie E. Snook (age 51, widow, sister-in-law) also listed.
305. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 24, Enumeration Distrct 31-1063, Sheet 7B, Assembly District 22, Dwelling 408, Family 202, Line 36, 408 West 150th Street. Frederick C. Wedemeyer (age 39, real estate broker) household; wife Elsie V. (age 35, studio artist) listed. Delaphine S. Heacock (age 62, mother-in-law), William S. B. Heacock (age 76, father-in-law, retired) and Annie E. Snook (age 58, aunt, widow) also listed.
306. 1932, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 5, Annie E. Snook , Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264378.;GRid=170264378&
307. “NY Census,” Bronx, New York Co., New York, 1 Jun 1905.
Election District 50, Block O, Assembly District 35. Page 49, Line 38. ‘Home for the Incurables’. William Snook, (age 43, born US, resides Yonkers, NY) listed as a patient. Home for the incurables was a hospital founded in 186, became St. Barnabas Hospital for Chronic Diseases in 1947; now St. Barnabas Hospital, 4422 Third Ave (Third Ave. and 183rd St), Bronx.
308. Death Record. William Snook, died 15 Jul 1905, Bronx, New York, New York. Certificate #3059. ”New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), William Snook, 15 Jul 1905; citing Death, Bronx, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,322,723.
309. “Cemetery Record,” 1905, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 1, William Snook, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264363.;GRid=170264363&
310. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York CIty, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration 689, Sheet 22B, Dwelling , Family , Line , West 159th Street. Livingston Hunt (age 49, marriage 2, officer, police dept); wife Bertha (age 28, marriage 1); child Lillian E. (age 22, single) listed.
311. “NY Census,” New York City, New York, 1915.
Election District 49, 601 West 164th Street (apartment), Livingston Hunt (age 54, no occupation) household; wife Bertha (age 34, born Germany, housework) listed.
312. “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York, 1920.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 1495, Sheet Supp 63A, 23 Assembly District, Dwelling , Family , Line , 105 Audubon Ave. Livingston Hunt (age 59, married, investigator, ex policeman) household. Richard C. Clute Jr (age 27); his wife Rosina Clute (age 30) listed George M. Rowa (age 57) also listed.
313. “Cemetery Record,” 1938, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 848, Grave 1, Livingston Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264497.;GRid=170264497&
314. Marriage Record, Livingston Hunt (age 23, born NY, son of Peter H. Hunt & Jane A. Anderson) married Annie Nord (age 27, born St. Louis, daughter of Andrew Nord and AUGUSTA NYBERG) on 2 Jun 1885, Manhattan, New York. Certificate #46196.
"New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 March 2015), Livingston Hunt and Nannie Nord, 02 Jun 1885; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,570,464.
315. “NY Census,” Queens, New York, 1925.
Assembly DIstrict 4, Enumeration District 77, Page 1, House 98, Line 44. Livingston Hunt (age 64, occupation undecipherable) household; wife Bertha (age 44, born Germany, housework) listed.
316. “SSDI,” Far Rockaway, Queens Co., New York, Jul 1968 (DOB 6 Aug 1879), SSN 093-42-0315.
317. “Cemetery Record,” 1968, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family Plot, Section D, Plot 848, Grave 3, Bertha Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264543.;GRid=170264543&
318. 1907 Marriage Record, New York. Livingston Hunt married Bertha Barkman on 2 Oct 1907 in Manhattan, New York County, New York. Livingston Hunt was the son of Peter H. Hunt and Jane A. Andrews. Bertha Barkman was the daughter of Hans H. Barkman and Anna Storjohan. Reference Family History Library Film 1452207. Marriage Certificate #25212.
319. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York City, New York.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 1, Enumeration Distrct 57, Sheet 5A, Ward 12, Dwelling 408, Family 83, Line 22, 408 West 150th Street. William S. B. Heacock (age 56, clerk, book store) household; wife Delaphine (age 46); daughter Elsie V. (age 21, artist, costume designer) listed. Annie E. Snook (age 47, widow, sister-in-law) and Mortimer Hunt (age 42, brother-in-law, single, contractor foreman) also listed. Delaphine was the mother of 2 children; 2 were alive in 1910. Annie Snook was the mother of 0 children; 0 were alive in 1910.
320. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York Co., New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 642, Sheet 6A, Ward 12, Dwelling 42, Family 110, Line 22, 506 168th Street. William S. Heacock household (age 45, born Jan 1855, clerk); wife Della (age 36, born Nov 1863), children Willie (age 16, born Jul 1888) and Elsia (age 11, born Feb 1889) listed. Frederick Fruse (age 26, boarder) also listed.
321. “Cemetery Record,” 1944, Fishkill Rural Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, Peter Hunt Family PLot, Section D, Plot 847, Grave 6, Delaphine Heacock, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 170264430.
322. Death notice, New York Times (NY), 1932. Heacock - Oct 23, William S. B., husband of Delaphine S. Heacock and father of Elsie V. Wedemeyer. Funeral from Thomas Balmford Chapel, 154th St. and Amsterdam Ave., Tuesday, Oct 25. Services private.
323. “Cemetery Record,” 23 Oct 1932, Hackensack Cemetery, Hackensack, Bergen Co., New Jersey, William S. B. Heacock, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 112917768.
324. 1882 Marriage Record, Manhattan, New York Co., New York, Certificate # 17658.
325. 1790, “U. S. Census,” Haverstraw, Orange Co., New York.
Page 414 (54). Gideon Titswort household. Free white males under 16 years -1, Free white males 16 and over - 1, Free white females - 4. listed.
326. “1850 U.S. Census, New Utrecht, Kings Co., New York.”
1850 U. S. Federal Census. New Utrecht, Kings County, New York; Page 53, Dwelling 261, Family 317, line 7. Abraham Duryea (age 34, shoemaker, born New York) household; wife Mary E. (age 29, born New York); children Mary J. (age 9, born New York) and John (age 7, born New York), Ruluf (age 5, born New York) listed.
File: 1850_USCensus_Duryea_Abraham_NY
327. 1860 U. S. Federal Census. Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan; Page 24, Ward 6, Dwelling 49, Family 127, line 15. Abraham Duryea (age 42, shoemaker, born New York) household; wife M. E. (age 42, born New York); children John (age 19, painter, born New York), R. (age 16, painter apprentice, born New York), A. E. (age 8, born Michigan) and E. T, (age 5, born Michigan) listed.
File: 1860_USCensus_Duryea_Abraham_MI
328. “1880 U. S. Census.”
1880 U. S. Federal Census. Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan; Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 297, Page 22, Dwelling 200, Family 221, line 50. 551 Fort Street. Abraham Duryea (age 60, shoemaker, born New York, father born New York, mother born L. I. ) household; wife Mary E. (age 42, born Staten Island, father born Staten Island, mother born New Jersey); children Ellen A. (age 25, single, born Michigan) and Emma M. (age 22, single, born Michigan) listed.
Files (2): 1880_USCensus_Duryea_Abraham_MI, 1880_USCensus_Duryea_Abraham_MI_P2
329. “Death Record,” 811, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1897.
"Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Abraham Dunyea, 18 Jun 1897; citing item 1 p 298 rn 811, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,364,222.
Files (3): 1897_Death_Record_Duryea_Abraham_MI_PR, 1897_Death_Record_Duryea_Abraham_MI_PL, 1897_Death_Record_Duryea_Abraham_MI_T
330. Find-A-Grave Memorial #168085022
331. “Cemetery Record,” 1897, Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
File: 1897_Cemetery_Record_Duryea_Abraham_MI
332. “Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1880.
"Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Maria E. Duryen, 03 Dec 1880; citing p 229 rn 260, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,363,669.
Files (3): 1880_Death_Record_Duryea_Marie_MI_PR, 1880_Death_Record_Duryea_Marie_MI_PL, 1880_Death_Record_Duryea_Mary Ellen_MI
333. “1850 U. S. Census.”
1850 U. S. Census, New Utrecht, Kings Co., New York, Page 41, Dwelling 137, Family 165, Line 41. James Gould (age 50, speculator) household; wife Ellen (age 50), children Margaret (age 17), Amanda (age 19), Richard (age 14) and George (age 13) listed. Jacob Duryea (age 30, boat builder), his wife Amanda (age 23), children James (age 5) and Eugene (age 1) also listed. Christopher Bennett (age 53, farmer) also listed.
Files (2): 1850_USCensus_Gould_Duryea_NY_Page2, 1850_USCensus_Gould_Duryea_NY
334. 1850, “Death Notice.”
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, (Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY) Sat 12 OCT 1850, page 2, column 6. ‘The members of Brooklyn Lodge, No. 26, I. O. of O. F. are hereby notified to meet at the Lodeg Room, on Sunday morning, at 8 1/2 o’clock, to make arrangements to attend the funeral of our late worthy brother, Jacob Duryea. ol2It James Rafford, Secretary’
File: 1850_The_Brooklyn_Daily_Eagle_Sat__Oct_12__1850_
335. “Cemetery Record,” 1850, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York.
Files (4): 1850-51_Cemetery_Duryea_NY, 1850_CemeteryCard_Duryea_Jacob_NY, 1851_CemeteryCard_Duryea_Amanda_NY, Duryea_IMG_2984_T2
337. 1851, “Death Notice.”
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, (Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY) Sat 16 NOV 1851. ‘Died - in this city, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Amanda Duryea, aged 23 years, daughter of Mr. J. Gould. …..’
File: The_Brooklyn_Daily_Eagle_Sat__Nov_15__1851_
339. “U. S. Census,” Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, 1880.
1880 U. S. Federal Census. Chicago, Cook County, Illinois; Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 127, Page 38B, Dwelling 278, Family 381, line 35. 796 Carroll St. John J. Duryea (age 39, printerr, born New York, father born New York, mother born New York) household; wife Mary P. (age 35, born Michigan, father born England, mother born England); children Joseph H. (age 14, born Michigan), John L. (age 12, born Michigan) Nellie (age 6, born Michigan) and Ida L (age 9 months, born Illinois) listed.
File: 1880_USCensus_Duryea_JohnJ_IL
340. “1900 U. S. Census, Wauwatosa, Milwaukie Co., Wisconsin.”
1900 U. S. Census, Wauwatosa, Milwaukie Co., Wisconsin, Supervisor’s District 294, Enumeration District 203, Sheet 22A, line 35. N. W. Branch, National Home for D. V.S. (Disabled Volunteer Soldier) , John J. Duryea, member, born NOV 1840, widowed, born New York, father born New York, mother born New York.
File: 1900_USCensus_Duryea_JohnJacob_WI
341. “Burial Register, Wood National Cemetery, Wisconsin.”
Register Page 118. Burial: Section 18, Grave 292. John Jacob Duryea, Sergent, Company B, 24 Michigan Infantry, died 1 MAR 1912, age 72.
File: 1912_BurialReg_Duryea_JohnJacob_WI
342. 13 MAY 1865, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
File: 1865_Marriage_Duryea_Granger_OH
343. “1870 U. S. Census,Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.”
1870 U. S. Census,Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Page 59, Dwelling 412, Family 473. Rulliff Duryea (age 26) household; wife Annie (age 23), children Bela (age 3) and Alfretta (age 1) listed.
344. “1880 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.”
1880 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 279, Page 16, Dwelling 142, Family 159, 197 Grand River Street. Ruliff Duryea (age 36, born N. Y.) household; wife Annie (age 33, born Michigan), children Bella A. (age 13), Etta (age 11), George (age 7), Dotty (age 5), Albert E. (age 3) and Henry (age 3 months) listed. Emma Duryea (age 23, sister) also listed.
345. “1900 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.”
1900 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 61, Sheet 1A, Ward 6, Dwelling 2, Family 2, 391 Bagg St. Ruliff Duryea (age 56, born NY) household; wife Annie E. (age 35, born Michigan), children Alfretta (age 31) and Harry (age 19) listed. Eva Brown (age 24, widow, boarder), Elizabeth Donovan (age 23, single, boarder) and Mildred Donovan (age 24, single, boarder) also listed. Annie E. Duryea, was the mother of 8 children, 4 were living in 1900.
346. “Find A Grave.”
Find A Grave Memorial 11690173.
347. “Death Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1907.
File: 1907_Death_Duryea_Ruliff_MI
348. “1914 Death Record, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.”
Annie E. Duryea, age 66, born 1847, died 14 DEC 1914, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Father Joseph Granger.
349. Find-A-Grave Memorial #11690180
350. 1865 Marriage Record, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
351. “1910 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.”
1910 U. S. Census, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 19, Sheet 2, Ward 1, Visit 30, Family 30, Line 30. 99 Melbourne Ave. Emery E. Perrin (age 51) household; wife Alfretta (age 41), child Thomas E. (age 15) listed. Annie Duryea (age 61, widow, mother-in-law) also listed. Annie E. Duryea was the mother of 8 children, 4 were living in 1910.
352. Find-A-Grave Memorial #168086371.
353. 1921, “Death Cert,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
File: 1921_Death_Duryea_Mary_MI
354. “Death Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1923.
File: 1923_Death_Duryea_Margaret_MI
356. 1880, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 287, Page 21, Dweeling 191, Family 147, Line 7, 264 Catharine Street. Henry Hunt (age 23, bricklayer, born Wisconsin) household; wife Annie (age 23); child William (age 1) listed. Charles Zimmerman (age 20, boarder) and Henry Zimmerman (age 16, boarder) listed.
357. Newspaper Article, Detroit Free Press, 29 Nov 1881, Page 1. Henry Hunt Death, A Horrible Suicide. Henry Hunt, Aged 30 Years, Throws Himself Under a Train and is Cut in Two. Despondency The Supposed Cause of His Act.
358. 1881, Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, Hunt Plot, Section A, Lot 896, NW Quandrant, Grave 11, Henry Hunt, Find-A-Grave Memorial # 12651032.
359. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 116, Enumeration District 201, Sheet 4A, Dweeling 376, Family 397, Line 10, 2090 River Street. William Zimmerman (age 39, single) household; Agusta Zimmerman (age 44, single, sister), Charlie Zimmerman (age 41, single, brother), Annie Hunt (age 43, widow, sister), William Hunt (age 21, single, nephew) and Sadie (age 19, single, niece) also listed.
360. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 258, Ward 17, page 8A, dwelling 353, family 190, line 36. 353 Pennsylvania Avenue Stanley O. Miller household (age 29, machinist, shipbuilding); wife Sadie L. (age 28); children Thomas L. (age 6) and William C. (age 2) listed. Family 191, Anna M. Hunt (age 53, widow) household; Augusta Zimmerman (age 55, sister, single) and Augusta Selding? (age 59, servant) also listed. Sadie L. Miller was the mother of 2 children; 2 were alive in 1910. Anna M. Hunt was the mother of 2 children; 2 were alive in 1910.
361. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.
Enumeration District 655, Supervisor’s district 145, ward 21, page 7A, dwelling 144, family 162, line 48. 389 Philip Avenue Stanley O. Miller household (age 39); wife Sadie L. (age 38); children Thomas S. (age 16) and William C. (age 12) listed. Annie M. Hunt (age 63, widow, mother-in-law) also listed.
362. 1930, “ U. S. Federal Census ,” Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California.
Enumeration District 9-1108, Supervisor’s district 19, page 5A & 5B, dwelling 139, family 190, line 61. 2933 East 6th Street S. O. Miller household (age 48, born Canada); wife Sadie (age 49, born Michigan); W. C. Miller (age 22, born Michigan) and Anna M. Hunt (age 73, mother-in-law, born Michigan) also listed.
363. 11 nov 1877, Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), Henry J. Hunt and Anna Zimmerman, 05 Jun 1878; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, v 3 p 289 rn 54, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,464.
364. 11 NOV 1877, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), Jacob Henry Hunt and Annie Minnie Zimmerman, 11 Nov 1877; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, v 3 p 259 rn 2676, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,464.
365. 17 MAR 1879, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Births and Christenings, 1775–1995." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010. Index entries derived from digital copies of original and compiled records. Retrived from on-line database.
"Michigan Births and Christenings, 1775-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2014), William Hunt, 17 Mar 1879; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, reference v 11 p 132; FHL microfilm 1,377,659.
366. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Manhattan, New York.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 703, Sheet 15A, Ward 12, Dweeling 44, Family 353, line 16, 617-619 West 144th Street. William C. Hunt (age 31, born Michigan) household; wife Anna (age 27, born Colorado); child Kathleen E. (age 3, born Michigan) listed. Kathleen Kramer (age 22, sister-in-law, single, born Michigan) also listed.
367. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 485, Sheet 8A, 16th Ward, Dweeling 127, Family 146, line 23, 388 Campbell Ave. Wiliam c. Hunt (age 39); wife Anna L. (age 38); child Kathleen E. (age 13) listed.
368. 24 feb 1945, “Death Records,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
. Death Records. Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan. Retreived from on-lne database.
369. 1949, “Death Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co.,Michigan.
"Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Anna Hunt, 21 Mar 1949; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,931.
370. 1904, Delray, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), William C Hunt and Anna L Kraner, 29 Jun 1904; citing Delray, Wayne, Michigan, vol 4 p 520 rn 43004, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,669.
371. 1940, “U.S. Census,” Hemet, Riverside Co., California.
Supervisor’s District 19, Enumeration District 33-12, Sheet 13B, visit #55. Stanley O. Miller (age 59, born Canada) household; wife Sadie (age 59, born Michigan) listed
372. “California Death Index,” 3 MAY 1973, Napa, Napa Co., California.
"California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Sadie L Miller, 03 May 1973; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.
373. “SSDI,” Napa, Napa Co., California, May 1973.
"United States Social Security Death Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Sadie Miller, May 1973; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
374. 20 May 1880, Blenheim, Kent Co., Ontario, Canada.
"Ontario Births, 1869-1911," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 15 January 2016), Orville Stanley Miller, 20 May 1880; citing Birth, Blenheim, Kent, Ontario, Canada, citing Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,845,398.
375. “California Death Index,” Los Angeles, Los Angelese Co., California, 8 Feb 1943.
"California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Stanley Orval Miller, 08 Feb 1943; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.
376. 30 Sep 1880, Delray, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), Orval S. Miller and Sadie L. Hunt, 30 Sep 1902; citing Delray, Wayne, Michigan, v 4 p 609 rn 37469, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,523.
377. 30 sep 1880, Delray, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan, County Marriages, 1820-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 April 2016), Orval S Miller and Sadie L. Hunt, 1902.
378. 1881, “Canada Census,” St. Catherines, Lincoln Co., Ontario, Canada.
District 145, Division 5, Page 41, Dweeling 203, Family 203, Line 24. Newton MacLaren (age 28, born Ontario) household; wife Laura (age 21, born USA). William MacLaren (age 23, born Ontario), Elizabeth MacLaren (age 19, born Ontario), Jessie MacLaren (age 16, born Ontaio), Robert McLaren (age 63, born Scotland) and Mary McLaren (age 54, born Ontario) also listed.
379. 1891, “Canada Census,” St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.
District 88, St. Patrick’s Ward, Page 33, Dweeling 719, Family 172, Line 23. Mary MacLaren (age 66, widow, born Ontario) household; Newton H. (age 36, born Ontario, son), Laura (age 30, born USA, daughter-in-law), Charles McLaren (age 10, grandson), Ethel (age 8, granddaughter), Jane (age 5, granddaughter) and Jessie (age 24, daughter) listed.
380. 1901, “Canada Census,” St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.
District Lincoln + Niagra, 145, Division 5, Page 4, Dweeling 36, Family 36, Line 26. N. McLaren (age 47, born 28 FEB 1854, Ontario) household; wife Laura (age 41, born 17 MAY 1859, USA); children Charles (age 19, born 11 MAY 1881) Ethel (age 18, born 11 JAN 1883) and Jennie (age 14, born 14 APR 1886) listed.
381. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 62, Sheet 17A, Ward 4, Dweelin 342, Family 390, Line 32, 944 Greenwood Ave. Newton MacLaren (age 56, born Canada) household; wife Laura (age 50, born Illinois); child Jennie (age 24, born Canada) listed.
382. “Death Certificate,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1919.
File: 1919_Death_MacLaren_Laura_MI
385. 1 Jul 1880, “Marriage Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan, County Marriages, 1820-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 April 2016), Newton H. McLaren and Laura J. Hunt, 1880.
386. 1911, “Canada Census,” St. Catherines, Lincoln Co., Ontario, Canada.
District 93, Sub-District 46 - St. Catherines, Page 9, Dwelling 92, Family 93, 29 Docotch. Arthur Greenlaw (age 32, born Dec 1878, Ontario) household; wife Ethel (age 24, born Jan 1883, Ontario); children James (age 5, born Jan 1906), Alexander (age 3, born Apr 1908, Ontario) and Charles (age 1, born Feb 1910, Ontario) listed.
387. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 223, Sheet 3A, Dwelling 44, Family 47, 1104 . Arthue E. Greenlaw (age 31, born Canada) household; wife Ethel M. (age 27, born Canada); children James N. (age 4), Alexander C. (age 1) and Charles S. (age 2 months). Ethel Greenlaw was the mother of 4 children; 3 were living in 1910.
388. “U. S. Census,” Dearborn, Wayne Co., Michigan, 1930.
Supervisor’s DIstrict 18, Enumeration District 82-890, Sheet 18A, Dwelling 310, Family 387, Line 29, 7720 Kendal Street. Arthur Greenlaw (age 51) household; wife Ethel (age 47); children James (age 24, married), Alexander (age 21, single) and Charles (age 20, single) listed. Catherine Greenlaw (age 20, daughter-in-law) also listed.
389. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 13, Enumeration District 84-262, Sheet 8A, Dwelling 230, Family xx, Line 32, 7630 Lawson Place. James N. Greenlaw (age 34, salesman) household; wife Kathryn (age 30); children Marabell (age 9) and Nancy Ann (age 2) listed. Arthur E. Greenlaw (age 61, widow, father, bricklayer) also listed.
390. 1902, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 December 2014), Arthur Greenlaw and Ethel Mclaren, 31 Dec 1902; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, v 4 p 677 rn 38261, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 2,342,523.
391. Hamilton, Wenworth Co., Ontario, Canada, 26 AUG 1906.
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 June 2015), Laura Aline Maclaren, 26 Aug 1906; citing Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, yr 1906-1907 cn 32260, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,854,403.
392. “Cemetery Record,” 26 AUG 1906, Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Laura MacLaren, Birthplace - Detroit, Residence - Hamilton, Ontario, Date of Death - 26 Aug 1906, Age - 0y, 7m, 22d, Disease - Chol Inft, Burial Date - 29 AUG 1906, Undertaker - Geist Bros. Buried in Section A, Lot 896, Grave 13.
393. 1940, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 13, Enumeration District 84-265, Sheet 8B, Ward 6, Dwelling 189, Family xx, Line 50, 1146 Pallister St. George C. (age 54, assembly foreman @auto factory) hosuehold; wife Jennie (age 52); child George (age 24) listed. William J. MacLaren (age 85, widowed, uncle) also listed.
394. 1920, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1; Enumeration District 210, Sheet 5A, Ward 6, Dwelling 61, Family 111, Line 47, 292 Pallister Ave. George C. Stevens (age 34, born Michigan, foreman - brick,building trade) household; wife Jennie (age 33, born Canada); children Jan (age 8, daughter) and George (age 4) listed. William MacLaren (age 64, single, uncle) also listed.
395. 1930, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 20, Enumeration District 82-161, Sheet 30A, Ward 6, Dwelling 34, Family 76, Line 5, 1146 Pallister Ave. George C. Stevens (age 43, supervisor @ contruction company) household; wife Jennie C. (age 38); Jean (age 18) and George D. (age 14) listed. William MacLaren (age 67, uncle, single) also listed.
397. 1884, “Birth Record,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
"Michigan Births and Christenings, 1775-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2014), George C Stevens, 26 Oct 1884; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, reference v 17 p 103 rn 5088; FHL microfilm 1,377,662.
399. 1900, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 116, Enumeration District 121, Sheet 7A, Ward 11, Dwelling 131, Family 144, Line 29, duplex, 231 Joseph Campeau St. Frederick Huntoon (age 37, born Jan 1863, Michigan) household; wife Sarah A. (age 37, born May, 1863, Michigan); child Harvey N. (age 12, born Jul 1887, Michigan) listed.
400. 1910, “U. S. Census,” Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.
Supervisor’s District 1, Enumeration District 80, Sheet 2B, Ward 6, Dwelling 34, Family 38, Line 94, 151 Labrosse St. Fred A. Huntoon (age 46, sailor) household; wife Sarah Ann (age 47); child Harvey N. (age 22, machinist @ auto factory) listed. Sarah A. Huntoon was the mother of 1 child; 1 was living in 1910.1
1-200, 201-400, 401-600, 601-800, 801-896