NameSarah Ann Hadley

Birth6 Nov 1796, ‘on the Hudson River’, New York175
Census1860, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan53
Census1870, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan68
Residence1873, Detroit, Wayne Co.. Michigan176
Death15 May 1876, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan177
Burial16 Jul 1876, Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan178,179
Marriageabt 1816, New York City, , New York
BirthPort Chester, Westchester Co., New York
Marriageabt 1823, New York City, New York181
Notes for Sarah Ann Hadley
Sarah Ann Hadley Lyons resided with son-in-law & daughter, Detroit (1860); resided with son & daughter-in-law, Detroit (1870). Lyons, Sarah (wid Isaac), bds 80 Pitcher, Detroit (1873).
Notes for Isaac (Spouse 2)
Very little is known about Isaac Lyons. From a family diary, Isaac Lyons was born in Sawfits, Connecticut, a land dispute area now known as Port Chester, Westchester Co., New York. Byram Point, previously ‘Lyon’s Point’ is an area in Port Chester. It is unknown if there is any connection with Isaac Lyons and Lyon’s Point.
Evidence suggests that Isaac Lyons died before 1860. See Sarah Ann Hadley Lyons (wife).