NameJohannes Roller
Birth6 Feb 1586, Martinsmoos, Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
FatherConrad Roller (~1555-)
Notes for Johannes Roller
In the birth record of Johannes Roller, the mother is called Margaretha; a mistake in the record? Johannes ehlich geborn von Conradt Roller und / Margretha Gefatter Conradt Seeger und Margretha / Conradt Kolbers weyb alle zu marinsmoos 6 Febr. [1586] Johannes legally born by Conrad Roller and Margaretha, sponsor Conrad Seeger and Margaretha, Conrad Kolber's wife, alle from Martinsmoos, February 6 [1586].

Baptism sponsors: Sponsors Conrad Seeger and Margaretha, Conradt Kolber's wife, all from Martinsmoos.
Last Modified 4 Nov 2016Created 31 Dec 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh