NameJakob Großhans (Grosshans) 
Birth25 Aug 1650, Ettmannsweiler, Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death7 May 1732, Ettmannsweiler, Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Marriage1 Feb 1665, Simmersfeld, Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Notes for Jakob Großhans (Grosshans)
Note 1:Maria Raisch and Jakob Großhans (Grosshans) are the direct-line ancestors of Jacob Freidrich Grosshans, husband of Margaretha Seeger. Margaretha Seeger (b. 1827, Hornberg; d. 1900, Detroit) and Jacob Freidrich Grosshans immigrated to America in 1852. Additional data on Margaretha Seeger appears on page 59.
Note 2: Maria Raisch, widow of Jakob Großhans, was the baptismal sponsor for most children born (1705-1724) of Jacob Kübler (50) and Eva Maria Rentschler. Jacob Kubler was the son of Bernard Kübler (100) and Anna Raisch.