NameAppolonia NN (Mueller?) 
Birthabt 1590, Schapbach, Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death2 Nov 1666, Wittlensweiler, Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Marriageabt 1632, Wittlensweiler, Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Notes for Christ (Spouse 1)
Information source: (unless otherwise footnoted)
1. Ortssippenbuch der Pfarrei Grüntal (heute Stadt Freudenstadt) : mit den einstigen Filialen Frutenhof, Aach, Wittlensweiler, Hallwangen, Unter- und Obermusbach, Württemberg, 1600 bis vor 1900. Von Günther Frey, Heide Clausecker, Horst Bruns.
Note: The family name of Haitzmann includes variants such as Haitsmann and Heitzmann. In this report, Haitzmann is used for consistency.
Christ Haitzmann is mistakenly called Zacharias at his son’s wedding, but the Seelenregister provides a correction. There is, as the detailed and accurate churchbooks prove, no other Zacharias Haitzmann.