NameConrad Seeger
Birthabt 1495
OccupationConrad Seeger was Richter in Martinsmoos.
Marriageabt 1520
ChildrenHans (~1520-<1586)
 Peter (~1520-)
 Conrad (~1525-)
 Hieronymus (~1525-)
Notes for Conrad Seeger
Information sources: (unless otherwise footnoted)
1. Altwürttembergische Lagerbücher aus der österreichischen /Zeit 1520-1534, Württembergisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, bearbeitet von Paul Schwarz, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, 1958 W. Kohlhammer Verlag Stuttgart. P187, volume Calw.

From the Altwürttembergische Lagerbücher, there is only one Seeger mentioned, page 187
Cunrat Seger, Lehen: 9 Schilling Heller, 6 Viertel Haber und 7 Hühner. Haus Hofraum und 1 Mannmahd Garten und Wiese Feld: 10 Mannmahd Feld, 7 Mannmahd Mähfeld, 3 Mannmad Mäder. Acker: 2 Juchart und gibt 3 Viertel Haber in das Lehen.
Conrat Seeger paid for his loan 9 Schilling Heller 6 quarter oat and 7 chicken; he had the yard, 1 Mannmahd garden and meadow . The size of the field he had were 10 Mannmahd and another one with 7 Mannmahd and one with 3 Mannmahd. The acres he had were 2 Juchart and he paid 3 quarter oat for that loan.

Note: Conrad Seeger is the only Seeger from Martinsmoos mentioned in the Altwürttembergische Lagerbücher. It is therefore assumed that Conrad is the father of Hans, Peter, Conran and Hieronymus.
Last Modified 6 Nov 2016Created 31 Dec 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh