NameNN Holthoefer

Birth2 Apr 1855, Serkenrode, Olpe, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany740
Death2 Apr 1855, Serkenrode, Olpe, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Notes for NN Holthoefer
From the 1855 baptism record: ‘ Ein Sohn, das elfte Kind, das dritte zweiter Ehe des
Ackermanns Johann Franz Joseph Holthöver genannt Arens und Maria Franziska
geborene Gerke in Serkenrode (a son, the 11th child, the third in the second marriage of
the farmer Johann Franz Joseph Holthoefer and Maria Franceska born Gerke, in
Serkenrode) / (date) April 2nd, nachmittag vier Uhr (4 pm) / Ehelich (legal) / Parents
(see above) / In Serkenrode / (baptism) den zweiten April die Taufe erhalten , gleich
darauf gestorben (April second was baptized and died immediately). ‘