NameAnna NN
ChildrenMaria (1646-)
Notes for Peter (Spouse 1)
Peter Schaible was Bauer and smith in Ettmansweiler, owned a hof, sold the hof to his son. In 1678 at the age of 66 he set his own house on fire with a candle in the stable. He had sold the Hof to his son and had not yet received the money. He was melancholic and tried to commit suicide. He was badly treated by his daughter-in-law, her mother and his own son. they did not want him to get married again. Due to a plague, he lost three cattle and at the end he had only a little crop and feared to starve. He had to bear that soldiers occupied his house and he was mentally disordered due to an incest he had commited 40 years ago with two of his sisters. After he had raised the fire he did not want his daughter to save the cattle, he himself even ran into the flames but was pushed back due to the heat, he then jumped into an ice-cold, knee-deep creek (the Köllbach?) but was saved by people which were sent out for him. Based on an expertise of Tübingen University jurists in March 1679, the court condemmned him only to pay the costs for the court (160 fl), "so weit es raicht" (as far as there is money enough). Peter Schaible data obtained from Ettmansweiler Family Book ’Ortssippenbuch Simmersfeld (Kreis Calw, Württemberg), by Dietmar Waidelich + Ernst Waidelich, 2001’.
Last Modified 22 Oct 2016Created 24 Dec 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh