NameHiram Ellwood
Birth16 Jul 1852, , , , Canada
Death25 Mar 1895, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Burial27 Mar 1895, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
FatherJARED L. ELLWOOD (1813-~1895)
MotherROSANNA TALMAN (~1817-1883)
Birth25 Jun 1862, Mosa Twsp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, Canada
Death26 Apr 1908, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Burial29 Apr 1908, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
FatherABRAHAM SULLIVAN (1818-1865)
MotherZILLAH HARRIET ALLEN (1831-1909)
Marriageabt 1876, Bothwell, Kent Co., Ontario, Canada
ChildrenMable Marion (1878-1964)
 ALFRED (1882-1910)
 BELLAH (1885-1958)
 PEARL M. (1886-1968)
Notes for Hiram Ellwood
- N. Y. Geneological & Biographical Record, Vol. 53, 1922.
Ellwood geneology. Hiram Ellwood listed. (Have copy)
- Allen Geneology (circa 1930). Bellah Ellwood Schiller information.
Hiram Ellwood and Mildred Sullivan married about 1876. (Have copy)
- Death Record, Detroit Dept. of Health, No. 135. Burial permit No. 57164.
Hiram Ellwood died 25 March, 1895 at Detroit, Michigan. (Have copy)
- Burial Record, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan
Hiram Ellwood was buried in Lot 491, Section 27. (Have copy)
- Cemetery Card, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan
Has deathdate and burial location information. (Original was in possession of Mildred Hunt (1978). (Have copy)
Notes for MILDRED C. (Spouse 1)
- Allen Geneology (circa 1930).
Mildred C. Sullivan birth, marriage and family information.
Mildren C. Sullivan married
1st: Hiram Ellwood Sept. 1876 at Bothwell, Ontario.
2nd: Barney Ellair ____ 1895 at ________, _______.
(Have copy)
- Death Record, State of Michigan, Register No. 2317.
Mildred Sullivan died 26 April 1908 in Detroit.
(Have copy)
- Death Record, Detroit Dept. of Health, Register No. 2317.
Mildred Sullivan died 26 April 1908 in Detroit.
(Have copy)
- Cemetery Record, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan.
(Have copy)
- Have photographs.
Last Modified 25 Nov 2016Created 24 Dec 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh